Winter Vay-Cay

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10:26 RUSHIL: Open snap

Lee shirtless, knee-deep in the ocean —

10:27 Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot screenshot your snap!

10:27 MILO: Could I talk to Lee?

10:28 MILO: Please?

10:30 Missed call from Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot

10:32 RUSHIL: O sorry got distracted talking to Lee

10:28 MILO: 😡

12:06 RUSHIL: Open snap

Lee sitting on the back porch railing, already sunburnt —

"Dude, you look like Rudolph."

"Fuck you, I look amazing—Oh, shit, sorry. I didn't mean to cuss."

"I'm sure you didn't, mister. Best keep that language to yourself."

"Right, sorry Miss Patel, won't happen again."

— Rushil snickering behind the camera as his mother closes the patio door. Lee leaps off of the railing to attack him. —

"I swear to God—"

— The video cuts off —

12:10 Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot replayed your snap!

12:12 MILO: Give me his number Rushi Roll 😡

12:13 RUSHIL: O sorry can't hear you over me not giving a fuck

12:13 MILO: 😡 Rushi Rolllllll

12:14 RUSHIL: 🥳💃🕺

13:46 RUSHIL: Open snap

Lee through the glass of a shop door, flipping the camera off. He's wearing a sunhat and sunglasses —

"Mr. Asano, tell me, how does it feel being a celebrity?"

"Feels like I don't give a fuck that's what it feels like. Quit taking videos of me."

"But Mr. Asano, what do you have to say to your adoring fans?"

— Lee leans in close, takes a sip from his drink straw, and lowers his sunglasses —

"The only thing you should get high on is life."


— Lee shoves his hand into the camera and Rushil screams bloody murder —

13:51 Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot replayed your snap!

13:52 MILO: Let me talk to him D:

13:52 MILO: Plz Rushil D:

13:53 MILO: Did he tell you what happened??

13:54 MILO: I swear to God I didn't do anything I've never lied to you before so why would I now? Felix was my presentation partner in Spanish I borrowed his textbook and bought him coffee to make up for doing most of the work in our projects. It was shitty of me to use him for that but I haven't taken him out since I started seeing Lee

13:55 RUSHIL: O shit you were seeing Lee

13:55 RUSHIL: Like, Sexy Times seeing??

13:55 MILO: 🤭

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