Chapter Eight: Bombarda My Ass

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The way sadness works is one of the strange riddles of the world

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The way sadness works is one of the strange riddles of the world

-Lemony Snicket


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I had History of Magic with Abby and Claude first. Abby calls sitting beside me in class and Claude pouts, mad at being left out.

He sits in front of us, turning back to glare at us every five seconds. A Gryffindor boy with black hair plops down beside Claude, and they both whirl around wearing goofy smiles.

Abby and I share a confused look.

"Claude, you alright?" Abby asks, and Claude stands up, pointing at the guy beside him.

"Ha, now it's two against two!" He demands, and my eyebrows raise while a smile of amusement crosses my lips.

"Claude, sweets. It was never a competition. One of us can sit with you, next class." I tell him and Abby points at the blonde fellow.

"Why'd you have to get Christopher involved as well?" She demands, and Christopher scowls at her.

"It's Chris, Abigail." He sneers, and Abby looked ready to hex the living daylights out of the blonde. Chris looked like he knew exactly how to get under Abby's nerves as his green eyes lit up in mirth. His skin was luminescent and the light kept reflecting off it beautifully. 

"Chris Killick, pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady." He moves to shake my hand, and I send him a smile.

"Valentine Dumbledore," I say, almost messing up and saying Evans.

"I know." He grins at me, and Abby leans over to flick his forehead after a second.

"You look scary. Stop!" She hisses, making me and Claude snort in amusement.

"Funny." He glares at the witch beside me. She reminded me so much of Cedric at that moment that it hurt.

I could feel most of the class's eyes on us and sigh. "Do they always stare like this?" I ask, making Abby shrugs.

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