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Her feet padded along the carpet as she ran across the hallways, a thick cream shawl draped around her shoulders, her knee-length nightgown swishing around her knees.

She turned behind her, eyes frantic as she turned behind her, hair that had once been on an intricate updo now sprawled like a birds nest on her head. She bit her rose-red lips as she pushed herself to run faster, clutching a baby that couldn't have been more than a few days old to her chest.

Tears ran down her rosy cheeks as she held the baby's head to her chest securely while she ran down the grand staircase, only having to stop short as she rounded another corner.

Eyes widening, she clutched the baby girl tighter.

"Please, don't hurt my baby!" she whimpered, turning her body to protect her child. Her princess.

The men smirked, only advancing towards the mother with drawn swords already coated in crimson blood.

She could see her horror-filled face in the blades. The way her eyes turned red instead of their normal stormy grey. Holding her hands out in front of her, she let the energy pulse through her veins, building up in her palms before releasing a large blast. She couldn't control her powers as much as before. Not since the birth of her daughter. And she knew it was because she was low on magic. She only had so little left. One more spell and she'd be drained.

Panting, she ran forward once more, eyes returning to their normal shade of grey. She rounded another corner only to stop once more with a blade to her throat. She gulped visibly, her hand moving to protect her daughter's head.

The man smirked, stepping out from behind the wall.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? A queen," he paused, looking down at the baby bundled up in her arms. He grinned wider, looking into the queen's eyes tauntingly.

"and her daughter." he laughed.

"This must be my lucky day!" the man exclaimed, pushing the blade deeper, causing a drop of blood to trickle down her neck.

"Roman. Don't do this." she pleaded, staying as still as stone.

"Ah. But you see, I don't have a choice. I gave you an option to join me, Amadelle.To be my queen. To rule over the Fae alongside me. To bare my children. But you refused and told that pathetic husband of yours."

"My husband is your brother! How can you think so lowly of your own blood!" she questioned.

"He was never my brother. Not since he ascended the throne and turned me into an outcast and a banished Fae. I have no family. There is no Roman. That Roman is dead. So will this era."Roman grinned sadistically.

The baby squirmed in her arms. Amadelle fretted, aware that the sleeping charm was to wear off soon and would soon attract more of Roman's soldiers.

"Roman!" a voice boomed from the other end of the hallway.

A relieved sigh escaped Amadelle's lips as she found her husband staring there. Though his night robes were covered in blood, he still had a certain charm to him that made her fall for him again in that moment.

"Ah!"Roman screamed in excitement, eyes a raging wildfire. Taking the blade of Amadelle's throat, he turned around, throwing his hands up.

"Nice of you to join us, Julian. You're just in time to watch the show. It's called: The slaughter of the Royal Family."Roman smiled, pointing the blade in Julian's direction.

"Step away, Roman. Or I'll be forced to kill you."

"Oh! I'm so scared!"Roman said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

Growling, Julian teleported to his wife's side, clutching her wrist as he teleported to the other end of the hallway.

"Get her to the escape pod. Please, be safe," he mumbled, kissing her wife on the forehead before looking down at his daughter.

"I love you, princess. Daddy loves you so much," he mumbled, gently kissing her forehead.

"Go," he whispered, pushing Amadelle towards the room before charging towards Roman, blade raised.

Amadelle ran, the clanging of metal fading as she shut the large mahogany doors.

She crouched down before a large machine. Placing her hand on the scanner, the pod opened, revealing a smaller pod designed especially for their child for emergencies like this one, sending her to another planet in another galaxy with a tracker whilst they settled whatever threat at their home planet.

Only, they knew they would never see their daughter. If the prophecy was accurate as told by the fates, today would be the massacre that would wipe out their kind. In other words; extinction.

They would have to destroy the planet they stood on. With the mere push of a button, all the bloodshed would end. All the pain and sorrow.Their existence, stories and species disappearing along with it.All but their daughter.All but the princess of the Fae.

Pressing her lips to her daughter's forehead, she let the remaining magic in her transfer to her daughter, watching as a golden light emitted from her daughter before fading.

"I love you so much, baby," she whispered, strapping her body to the small concave bed in the pod. Tucking a small note into the crevice beside her daughter, she shut the pod, letting her tears fall freely as she deployed the pod, watching her daughter drift off slightly in space before disappearing at light speed.

She let out a long sigh, making her way to another panel that would destroy their planet inside out.

Placing her palm over the panel, she watched as the large screen started a 20-second count down.

Making her way to the window where the pod had ejected, she watched the stars dance in the dark velvet sky, shining brightly like sapphires and diamonds, twinkling ever so brightly.

Hearing the loud siren emitting from the palace, she knew that in mere seconds, the very planet she knew to be home would soon combust and would merely be a distant, vague memory in the stars.

Feeling the rumble beneath her feet she smiled.

"I love you, Arinelle. I'm sorry we couldn't be there for you, princess," she mumbled before blinding fire engulfed her and the rest of the planet.

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