83 oh brother

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jordan hacked the system and it showed her brother's data and profile. "not in the system...my ass",she chuckled.

she scrolled down to see her brother's data. "not bad Jordan...still got the skills",she whispered to herself.

Andrew Eian Lee Jonas
Age : 24
D.O.B : 19 April 1995
Height : 5'9
Weight : 58Kg
Blood Type : O

"something's weird...",jordan scanned the short biodata. she rushed to the store room in her apartment...looking for her diary.

"0107...",she pressed the lock number on her drawer.

"07 May 1993...25 January 1994...16 October 1996...",jordan read out her sisters birthday.

her brother's birthdate was nowhere to be found.

"the birthdate on the system is wrong...or changed",she said. "19 April 1995...there must be some sort of clue in this",jordan sat down and thought deeply.

the boys went out to go for a run but she lied that she had her monthly cramps.

"19 04 1995...",she repeated over and over.

she changed her clothes and grab her bags...rushing out of the apartment.

7.04AM. thats when the only flower store open near her apartment. jordan rushed to the store.

as soon as she reached the store, she was greeted by the ladies there. "good morning ms...what can i get you today? a wedding bouquet?",the lady asked.

"hi good morning...im alex-",she was about to tell her full name and ask about her brother but the lady stopped her and rushed to the back of the store.

jordan waited and the lady came out with a bouquet of flowers. "here you go miss",the lady handed her the bouquet with a smile.

"thank you",jordan was about to take out her wallet and pay but the lady stopped her. "the woman who placed the order already payed",the lady said.

"woman?",jordan thought.

"do you perhaps know what she looks like?",jordan asked. "my dear, she placed the order so long ago...im afraid i dont, i even set a reminder to give you the bouquet if you ever come...it's on my computer",the lady said and smiled.

jordan requested to see the reminder and perhaps the order sent.


"this is only thing i can show...the order i lost it...been years",the lady said. "thank you so much.......",jordan had a pause waiting for the lady to tell her name.

"rachel!",she smiled. "thank you so much rachel!",jordan thanked her and stop by a coffee shop before going back.

"only my brother and my mom calls me alex...so it must be him but who helped him?..."jordan thought.

jordan looked at the flowers and searched for any note.

"i knew you would try find me...alex dont bother, im doing fine but im not sure if i am when you see this.
it's okay maybe one day ill come back to see you. i miss you kiddo! do well in school and dont be so hard on dad and mom, you'll be an amazing detective! i love you alex... -Andrew EaiN jOnas"

"bullshit. of course ill still find you dumbass",jordan chuckled.

A E N O...why are these capitalised?

"neon? the fuck? why are your clues so lame andrew",jordan thought before something came to her head.

"wait...andrew loves neon accessories or just neon highlighters",she told herself to keep that in mind.

jordan wanted to figure out her brothers real birthdate so it will be easy to find him.

07 May 1993...25 January 1994...16 October 1997...

"mom said our family lucky number is 7...",jordan said to herself. "somehow someway all of us will have 7 in our birthdate",she explained to herself.

07 May 1993...27 January 1994...16 October 1997

"jacquelyn has 7 in her day...i was born in january,january has 7 letters and also i have 7 in my day...jennie has 7 in her birth year",she thought.

"so what is andrew's birthdate",she thought deeply.

"there maybe someway i kept it in the diary...OH YES!...0107 my lock number for the drawer...",jordan smiled knowing she has a lead.

then her phone rang. it was a private number so she assumed it was her dad

"yes mr lee?"

"alex its mom...your dad didnt let me contact you because he didnt want me to know you are searching for andrew..."

"ive been searching for him too but it just gets caught up because your dad dont like it"

"i hope you can find out about him okay...if you
need anything just come down to my clinic"

"mom, are you still not going to tell me what happened few years back when i fell into coma? my head hurts trying to remember his birthday can you imagine the rest of the headache i would get"

"i dont know about that dear...im being truthful,
i only got the new of andren running away from home, i tried to search for him through the system but your dad wouldnt let me"

"even ashley doesnt want to tell me...audrey is useless,she probably have forgotten about andrew...she wasnt close to him anyways"

"mom his birthday isnt 19 april is it? i just know its not"

"its not my dear...the system was either changed or there was an error when we had a system update"

"1st of July...thats his birthday isnt it?"

"yes dear...thank god you didnt believe the system..."

"i have to go honey, i have patients so come by the clinic if you want to, i love you"

"yes mom love you too"

she hung up.

she reviewed the updated details, hoping something would come into her mind. after hours of looking into the system, she still couldnt find any guy named 'Andrew Eain Lee Jonas' who was borned on the 1st of July.

"omg that stupid douchebag changed his name!",she thought as she slammed her fist on the table.

the customers of the cafe all turned and looked at her. "sorry...lost my game",she lied to not make anyone suspicious if anyone in there could have been her dad's minions.

"bloody hell",she cursed softly.

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