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Manhattan, New York
3:12 p.m.

"Okay Andrea it's looks like you can go home today after we get your paperwork."

I nodded "Alright."

He walked out the door.

It's been three weeks since I been shot. I eventually convinced Dani to go home even she kept saying no she still ended up going. But she has visited me everyday. My upper body still hurts but when I take my medicine a feel a lil better. My leg be fucking killing me but I'll rather this then to be dead. I know if I would've ever left Dani that would've hurt her.

As I was about to grab my phone out of my lap Dani walked in with Dave and Zya.

"You ready to go?" Zya asked

"Yeah." I sat up and groaned

"You gotta be careful baby." Dani said

"I know, I didn't even realized how fast I got up."

A nurse walked in and her and Dave helped me up out the bed. I grabbed the crutches. After having a small talk we was finally going out the hospital and towards the car.

A few hours later


"Come on Andrea." I whined

"Where we going baby?"

"You need a shower so come on."

She sighed and I wrapped my arms around her waist before walking to my down the hall to a bathroom. She sat down on the toilet and strip out of her clothes. I turned the shower on before stripping out of my clothes.

I turned around and seen her staring

"Stop thinking all nasty."

"Who said I was thinking nasty?"

"I did because of this look you giving me."

She chuckled

"I can't believe you don't take baths." I said

"I do but sometimes I be feeling dirty afterwards even though I know I'm clean."

"Weird ass." I said

"But you love my weird ass so be quiet."

I rolled my eyes as I helped her up. I wrapped my arm her waist and slowly walked up towards the shower. Once we was in I started washing her body.

"Did your tattoos hurt when you got them?" I asked

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"Did your tattoos hurt when you got them?" I asked

"Only the ones on my leg did but everything else didn't hurt." She said

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