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"Al," Spencer scolds as I take the baby out of the anatomical model again. It's one of the ones where if you can see the inside of the body. This one, however, has a removable fetus. It's keeping me busy as we wait for someone to come into the room.

"Spence," I say in the same scolding tone. "Think fast!" I tell Spencer before tossing the fetus at him.

He tries, but doesn't catch it and it makes a weird clatter sound as it hits the floor. He groans as he picks it up and puts it back into the model.

"I can't believe you missed that. What are you gonna do when I throw our baby at you?"

He looks at me like I've lost my mind. "What?"

"I'm kidding, Spence," I sit down in the chair beside him and rest my hand on his thigh. "I'm just trying to make you laugh. You seem tense."

"I am," Spencer sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just nervous. I'm sorry."

"What's going through your beautiful mind, Spence?"

He shifts in his seat, angling himself toward me and taking one of my right hand into his. "Allie, I... I've come to expect to have everything ripped away from me at the drop of a hat. I just... I don't want to lose this, and I'm terrified that I'm going to."

"Hey, look at me," I move my hand to his shoulder. He looks up at me, an uncertain expression on his face. "Now, look around."

He raises an eyebrow at me, but does as I ask, looking around the room. When his eyes land on me once again, I run my hands through his hair.

"Do you see any hats?" I ask him with a tiny smile. "You're not wearing one, I'm not wearing one."

Finally, I get a smile and a giggle from him.

"Spencer," I start. "Me and this baby aren't going anywhere. No matter how many hats are dropped. I am never going anywhere, Spence. You're stuck with me."


Leaning forward, I press a quick kiss to his lips. "I promise. You're never ever getting rid of me."

Just then, the doctor steps in and I sit back down on the bed. Spencer scoots his chair closer in anticipation.

"Alexandria, I'm Dr. Crane. This is your first scan, correct?" The fifty-something-looking blonde woman stands at the monitor beside the bed, typing something into it.

"Yeah, this was the first available appointment," I nod at her.

She stops typing and looks at me, then to Spencer, giving him a bright smile. "You must be dad, yes?"

A giant grin takes over his lips. "I am. Uh, Spencer. My name is Spencer."

"It is really to meet you two! Now, Alexandria, can you tell me when your last menstrual period was?"

I think back to it. It's been a minute. "Uh, September fifth, it started. It usually lasts about four days."

Dr. Crane nods. "And of course, we'll be able to tell you for sure based on the size of the fetus in the scan, but based on that information alone, I'd put you at around fourteen or fifteen weeks."

Spencer nods, looking like he's calculating it in his head. He's without a doubt going over every one of our sexual encounters since September 9th.

The doctor gets everything set to go and I pull up my shirt to reveal my belly, looking over at Spencer with a nervous smile. When Dr. Crane puts a line of cold gel across the bottom of my stomach, I shiver and scrunch up my nose. It's not my first rodeo, I've had an ultrasound before. For some reason, I'm nervous. Maybe it's because I'm actually gonna be a parent this time around. What if I'm a shitty parent? What if Spencer and I break up one day and then—

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