Chapter one

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September 1, 1938
"Arthur, are you sure you want to go to France? There's been talk of Intense politicians in western Europe." Allistor asked. "France is part of Western Europe," I looked at him unamused. "There is talk of a possible war...people are against each other in Germany. What if a civil war starts?" Dylan butt in, worried. "I doubt it, and if that's the case, I will take the first train back to England, I promise" I smiled at the two of them as they watched me finish getting my bags together. I was on my way to France for work purposes.

I have to admit that I heard some talk of the intense politicians, but it was a hoax. People were scaring each other, and I am sure nothing was going to happen. The only real event that occurred was in March, Germany seceded Austria, but nothing was done by France or England so I guess it wasn't as a big deal as people were making it seem. It was kind of scary, especially with the treaty that was made a few years ago. But I suppose we have to wait and see what will happen.

"Alright then, I don't want to be late for my train. Wish me luck, bye now," I grabbed all my things, smiling at my brothers. They worried too much about me. Once they found out I was leaving for France they rushed over to my place for a stern talk. I could not believe them. "If you all are going to stay here at my house at least lock up and clean up after yourself," I smiled. They both waved me off as I soon began my journey to France.

September 2, 1938

Taking the Night Ferry took about eleven hours to help me get to Paris. It was a long journey that I sadly could not sleep through. I am so relieved to have finally arrived in Paris, France, though. After unloading my luggage I took a deep breath of the air around me. I was so relieved to have been in Paris. For some reason, being born in England never stopped me from being so attracted to the city and its people. Everything there was so magnificent. I looked around at my surroundings and saw a lot of children playing and having a good time. They were so cute. I hoped to have children one day.

Walking to my hotel wasn't that bad at all. I got to hear the streets fill with music as I walked through them. It was quite fascinating. The hotel was beautiful, and the first thing I did was drop my things off and leave the room to explore Paris. I wanted to buy some things from the markets they have. I heard about this new bakery by the seine river, and I am thinking to stop there first. I have a whole week to settle In Paris before I start working as the head architect at a great company here in France.

It has been an honor to have gotten this promotion. Plus, it is nice to get away from home. I didn't have many friends at home so maybe moving to France gives me a chance to meet some new people.

As I arrived at the river, it was packed and full of life. Music could be heard from every centimeter of the roads, and people cheered in happiness. I smiled, looking around until I saw a propaganda poster from the Wold War hanging on a tree. On it was black ink written "it's not over," in French.

I guess England wasn't the only European country as frightened by the sudden acts of the Germans. Hopefully, it's only a bad dream, and all of this will end soon. I began to smell something so amazing that I could not help but turn my head, curious to where the smell was coming from. I looked into the shop, and it was a bakery. Maybe this is the place people talked about. I am so excited to try something from here. "Hello?" I called inside. No answer. "Hello...?" No answer. The shop was open, and maybe the owners were busy.

As I started to turn around, I heard a call. "No! Come in! Sorry, I was just putting some things away," I turned to the person, and we both stopped once we saw each other. The man was the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid my eyes on. "Oh, hello," I smiled, speaking in French now so that he could understand. "It smells so good in here; what kind of bread do you have?" I smiled. He breathed out in relief, pulling me toward the counter to show me. "Oh, this  Brioche smells Devine; how much?" I asked happily.

The man smiled at me sweetly. "On the house for an Englishman like you," he laughed. "Oh, you could tell?" I said with a smile. He seemed so nice. "Well yeah, those eyebrows are a dead giveaway." As his laugh filled the air, I felt my face get red from annoyance. "Aren't you funny?" I said, trying to hold my smile up like a proper Englishman. "Oh, I am just joking. You spoke English earlier," he smiled. He was right, and I felt so dumb for falling into his trick.

Handing me the bread, he kept a smile on his face staring at me. "What brings you to France?" He asked. "Business, but it's nice to take in the city's beauty, right?" I smiled back, and he nodded, agreeing. "My name is Francis. Hopefully, we will see each other more during your stay here in Paris?" He asked hopefully. "Hardly ever, if you continue to make jokes like that last one, sir," I made a straight face. "I can't promise you anything ....uh?"
"Arthur, my name is Arthur."
"Ahhhh... Arthur, as lovely as the person with the name."
"Don't flatter me, Francis; you are hardly one to talk," I closed my eyes. "Yes, that was a compliment." He laughed more. I looked at him some more, trying to hold back the annoyance I got from his laugh. Who does this guy think he is?!

Hello my beautiful readers that I am grateful for since you stick with my works so much. Thanks for reading so far ❤️ there will be more to come .

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