Chapter 5 - Quirk Assessment with Jackasses

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I have been stuck in this house all vacation for like two months! I have been staying out of trouble with mom. Even though I'm not on house arrest anymore, I'm busy with things I can only do at home. I been working on my gear and all that jazz for my hero costume. I can't have it be trash after all! Mom is a good woman to bounce ideas off of if I need simple statements rather then my discombobulated mind statements. Overall, I think it turned out well! I worked on new gear with the trash I found in my room, as you never have enough equipment. Mom is still hesitant about letting me go, but she gave me a hug and good luck.

That's all I can ask for.


FREEDOM BITCHES! I AM AT FUCKING UA NOW! I will be honest. Once I was some distance from the house, I screamed. I ran to that school. I even arrived first. Okay, so I'm in a classroom right now by myself. I adjust my stupid tie, and I'm about to remove the sucker. I need to distract myself. I pull out my mini laptop and start looking up a new language to study. I initially did programs, but I have so many on the back of my hand that I can figure out any new language when needed with what I have. Now, I do speaking language. I have learned multiple sign languages because those are easy shits, English, French to flirt with the ladies, and German to sound angry. I probably will never use none but the sign and English, but oh well. This is what happens when you have too much free time. I decided to try learning some Korean because why not.

I'm way too focused because the next thing I know, I sense someone walking beside me, and I look up. Oh damn it, it's that blue-hair dude from the entrance exam. God, take me now? No? Fuck you. Anyway, I researched him because I thought he was familiar, and I was right! He is from the Iida family and the little brother of Ingenium. I like Ingenium, but how the hell do you produce this when you have a very out-going brother?

"Hello! I am Iida Tenya and your new classmate! I must say at the entrance exam you knew what you were doing to get the most points of all time and for saving that girl at the end, even if it did not count. However, I will say your language is vulgar and should be approved should you be a hero." Blue-hair boy exclaims. Flip-flopping, why? You know, I can respect a straight-forward comment like that. If that were the case with everyone, we would have peace and harmony! But nope, people are too weak to accept the truth!

"Eh mate, you failed ethics class to!?" I say excitedly. That is another reason I failed the class. I was too blunt.

"No, I never took that class. However, I do come from (some academy I do not listen for.)."

"Hold up. Are you telling me it's only my dumbass school that has the classes?" They were ineffective anyway, so why do we have them?! Everyone but me passed, including Bakugo somehow. They were assholes too, but I can fight them at least.

"Without the cursing, yes. I must ask what these classes consist of. Oh, and a name as you seem to have forgotten." Might as well amuse him. I notice he did this weird chopping motion with his hands. I wonder if I put a log under his hand if he would chop it or not.

Free firewood?

"Izuku. Anyway, it's supposed to teach you how to act. For example, what are you suppose to do when a kid falls?"

"You go and help them, of course! You make sure they are okay, and if not, you go and get sufficient help!" Uh, no.

"I put that they should suck it up and deal with it. If they can not get back up, they aren't meant to be part of the world. Social Darwinism, mate." For those who have no idea what Social Darwinism is, it is a social ideal by Herbert Spencer that you don't help people. You let them figure it out on their own. For example, you don't donate to homeless people. If they die, oh well!

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