Chapter 9

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Jimin and Jungkook had stayed up all night talking and had gotten closer to each other they were both in a similar position. They had gone back to sleep around what they assumed was 2 AM. Soon they were woken up to the lights coming on and guards telling them to get up. This would be their first FULL day in prison. To say Jimin was terrified was an understatement he was shaking and kept his head down when they were let out for breakfast. While he sat there with his head down he felt someone come sit down with him but he didn't look up to see who it was he didn't want another encounter like yesterdays soon he felt more people come sit down and he looked up slowly seeing all of his cellmates sitting around him as if to protect him. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung were eating but Yoongi was staring at him not touching his food. Jimin blushed seeing Yoongi stare at him and blushed even more when Yoongi shoved Jimin his plate of food. Jimin looked at Yoongi surprised and opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by Yoongi's deep voice "You need to eat more to gain strength since you're going to be here for a while" Yoongi said before laying his head down on the table and going back to sleep. Jimin took the food and ate it slowly after he finished his own plate. He smiled as he took the first bite a slight blush on his face. The other three had left the table already and Yoongi was still there his eyes close while his cheek laid against the table surface. Jimin watched Yoongi breathe slowly admiring him- "Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to go put your plates on the tray?" Yoongi said interrupting Jimin's thoughts opening his eyes and staring back at Jimin. Jimin squeaked and got up so quickly he fell on his ass before quickly running off and putting his plate away his face a burning red as Yoongi sat at the table a light chuckle leaving his lips and a smile gracing them he jumped a little when Namjoon came back and set his hands on his shoulders saying quietly "Sad that he doesn't remember you and all the time you spent together?" to which Yoongi answered with only a nod as a tear escaped down his cheek.

//IM SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! ive been gone for so long! I've been so busy and stressed and bushvdbyugbdyuvbdyub IM SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY

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