Details To Follow

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"Ben! Ben!" Bree calls as they walk through the forest following Dude.

"These things just grow everywhere," Gil says before eating some berries off a bush. "Hey, we should play that icebreaker. Um, Jay, I like the way that you can bounce around and jump off things. These are free, right?"

"Yeah. Um..." Jay answers as he walks over to the bush. "I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush." This causes Bree to smile as she sees them getting along.

"So great accent and dazzling eyes?" Harry asks as he walks over to Bree with a smirk causing her to blush.

"Definitely some of your best features," Bree says with a wink.

"I guess you've probably seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks. Giant fish. You're probably used to grabbing lunch off of a bush," Gil says as Jay starts eating some berries.

"No. I mean, not really. I mainly just use the vending machines at practice. You know, tourney, kind of eats up most of my time. So..." Jay explains before Harry starts laughing.

"Tourney, that's a wee boy's game," Harry says causing Bree to lightly shove him.

"Hey, you know what would be fun? To go rafting on a jungle river," Gil says causing Jay to smile.

"Find a lost civilization," Jay adds.

"Oh, or maybe a penguin," Gil also adds.

"Oh, well, you'd find those more in like icebergs, but I'd love to see one of those," Jay explains.

"You guys are killing me," Harry says as he walks over to them. Harry hooks a berry off of the bush before eating it. "Hmm. P.S., your mutt went that way."

"Carlos!" Dude calls.

"Dude, what do you see?" Carlos asks.

"This way!" Dude answers before they start to catch up to Dude but not before Jay went back to get more berries off of the bush.

"Ben!" Carlos calls as they follow Dude.

"Boy, something stinks. And it wasn't me this time," Dude says as he turns back to them. A beast then jumps out of the bushes.

"Watch out!" Carlos says as he pulls Gil out of the way. Jay then pulls Harry and Bree out of the way twice.

"You need some serious nose adjustments," Harry tells Dude.

"I'm not so sure," Bree argues as the beast lets out a growl. "Ben?"

"Did Audrey do that? Huh! I thought I recognized those pants," Jay says in agreement.

"Oh, he's got a boo-boo. That's why he's so cranky. You know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all," Gil explains causing Beast Ben to growl at him.

"You're good with animals. Do something," Jay tells Carlos.

"But... Okay. All right," Carlos says before walking over to Ben. "Hey, Ben. It's me, Carlos, all right?" Ben growls before swiping at Carlos. "Ben! Ben! It's Carlos, all right? You know me. You helped me once. Remember, with Dude? Right? Let me help you. Come on. Let me see your hand. All right. Attaboy. Beast... King... So... Whatever." Ben holds his paw out to Carlos. "Oh, yeah. That's a big one. Uh... I'm gonna count, all right? One... Two. There it is. You did it." Jane comes out of no where and starts spraying Ben with water.

"Hey. Oh, my gosh, I was so worried. You didn't show up. I didn't forget your party. I got scared she got you too. I know I forgot to call. I'm so glad you're all right," Carlos and Jane say quickly and at the same time, before they hug.

"All right. You good?" Bree asks as Jay helps Ben.

"Yeah," Ben answers.

"Take a seat right there, okay? There you go," Jay tells Ben as he helps him sit.

"Oh, that was funky," Ben says with a chuckle.

"It was? Is..." Jay corrects as he motions for a beard and fangs.

"Huh? Oh, wow," Ben says as he feels his beard and fangs.

"You need another blast," Jane says before spraying Ben again.

"Please... Please stop," Ben says as nothing happens besides him getting wet causing Bree to giggle.

"Huh. It's Enchanted Lake water. I guess it can only do so much," Jane says as she stops.

"Hold on. Who's side are they on?" Ben asks as he stands up and points at Harry and Gil.

"They escaped and joined us," Bree answers him. "And Mal has the ember, which is our only hope to stop Audrey. Details to follow."

"Hades' ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?" Ben questions as he worries about Mal.

"I said details to follow. We're meeting up with Mal, Evie and Uma. Let's go," Bree explains to him.

"Uma?" Ben asks.

"Details to follow," Everyone says before Jay pushes Ben in the direction that they need to go.

"Hey, Jay..." Harry says stopping Jay since they are at the back of the group. "yeah, thanks for saving her, gorgeous face." Harry looks ahead at Bree with a smile.

"She really cares about you. Every time we went to the Isle she was always looking for you," Jay tells him, leaving him stunned.

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