Chapter 23 The Coming Storm

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"Sir, we picked up an unusual weather pattern in Scottsdale, Arizona." A SHIELD agent informs agent Coulson.

"What kind of weather pattern?"

"A sudden thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere, and lightning struck a building setting it on fire." The SHIELD agent said, "Then it disappeared."

"Hmm, keep me informed if something like that happens again," Agent Coulson tells the agent.

"Yes, sir."

Back in Forks, Astrid was having a hard time coping with the fact that somehow not only had she survived a bolt of lightning that turned James to ash but from what it looked like; she had summoned it. Astrid had been having nightmares about the incident since she had returned to Forks, but she hadn't told a soul, not even Emmett. Usually, the opinion of other people didn't matter to Astrid, but this was serious. What if she was a Mutant? The government would come after Astrid and her family, and that was something she couldn't let happen. So, she suffered in silence.

Lucky for Astrid, she was a skilled actress, and no one was the wiser. She went about the rest of the school year as if nothing was bothering her. Astrid continued with her routine, going to Port Angeles and training with the MMA fighters, dating Emmett, and growing closer to his family, except for Rosalie and Edward. Things may have gotten better with Bella, but they would never be the same again. Astrid still believed that Bella was obsessed with Edward and that Edward was too controlling. But there was nothing she could do about it, so she was going to leave Bella to reap what she was sowing.

The school year continues, and finally, it's graduation day. Rosalie, Emmett, and Astrid are at the school in their graduation gowns waiting to be called up to receive their diplomas. Emmett is called up first and smiles as Alice takes his picture when he gets his diploma. Emmett sits down and waits anxiously for Astrid to get hers. When Astrid receives her diploma, the Cullens, Charlie, Bella, Harry, Sue, and Seth stand up and cheer. Emmett being the loudest.

Harry and Sue feel uncomfortable being there with the Cullens, but they swallow their nerves for Astrid. As soon as the ceremony is over, though, they leave and drag Seth with them. Astrid makes her way through the crowds of people towards her dad and the Cullens. Emmett picks her up and hugs her.

"I'm so proud of you, Sunshine."

"Thanks, Em."

He sets her down, and Charlie hugs his daughter. He tells Astrid the same thing and kisses her forehead. Bella hugs her sister stiffly and congratulates her. The sisters no longer feel comfortable with each other. Astrid gives her a strained smile, and thanks, Bella. After everyone congratulates the graduates, Charlie, Astrid and Bella head off to the Lodge for a celebratory dinner, while the Cullens head home and go hunting.

The next day, Emmett picks up Astrid so that they can spend the day together. They go into Seattle, and Emmett takes Astrid shopping for a new summer wardrobe. At first, she protests, but Emmett gave her his puppy dog eyes, and she relented. After shopping for a while, they have lunch. As they're sitting in the restaurant waiting for their order, Astrid decides to breach a subject that she's been thinking about for a while.

"Emmett, I've decided that I want to search for my biological parents."

Emmett's brow furrows, "Why the sudden urge to find them?"

"It isn't a sudden urge. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I feel like something is missing in my life. Don't get me wrong I love my mom and dad, but I have this need to find my parents."

"Have you told Charlie?"

"Not yet, but he'll understand. I know he will."

"Okay, if that's what you want, Sunshine, then I'm going to help you."

Astrid smiles, "I was hoping you would say that. I didn't want to do this without you."

Emmett smiles and kisses her hand, "I would never let you face something like this alone."

"Thank you, Emmett."

"You're welcome, Sunshine."

Meanwhile in Asgard:

Heimdall had been watching the entire exchange and decided that this was something that Prince Thor and Princess Diana should know. If the Princess wants to meet her parents, then Heimdall thought that perhaps it was time for them to go down and retrieve her. He leaves his post and makes his way to the palace.

Heimdall arrives at the training ground where he finds Diana and Thor sparring against each other. He stands and watches the couple circle each other. Thor smiles at his wife, "Come, My Love, surely you are not afraid to face me?"

Diana's eyes narrow, "I fear no man or god, including you, husband."

With that, lets out a mighty cry and lunges at Thor with her sword. Raising Mjolnir, Thor blocks her sword and pushes her back. Thor swings and Diana dances back, he throws his hammer at her and Diana dodges it. As Mjolnir flies by, Diana reaches out and grabs the handle. She twirls around and sends it back towards Thor, hitting him in the chest and sending him flying back. Damn it; sometimes, Thor forgets that his wife is also worthy of the mighty hammer. Thor jumps to his feet and summons Mjolnir to him. He calls down a bolt of lightning and sends it towards Diana. She throws herself to the side and rolls back onto her feet. Diana slams her bracelets together, sending a wave of power towards, who uses twirls Mjolnir to disperse the energy. Thor jumps into the air and brings his hammer down, Diana raises her sword to block. They strain against each other, each trying to get the upper hand. Thor grins at his wife and shoves her sword to the side, then grabs her by the waist and brings her body to his and kisses her.

"Thor, that's cheating!" Diana cries.

"All is fair in love and war, My Love."

Diana smirks at him and trips him. Thor lands hard on his back with a grunt, and Diana has her sword at his neck, "I suppose you are correct, My Love."

Thor's eyes narrow, he knocks her off her feet and covers her body with his own. "I prefer love," then kisses her again.

Diana sighs and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling Thor in closer. At that moment, Heimdall clears his throat; the royal couple looks up at him, "Forgive your the interruption, your Graces."

"Think nothing of it, my friend," Thor says and hops up onto his feet then offers his hand to Diana, "What brings you to the sparring ring?"

"It's Princess Astrid, My Prince."

"What is happening with our daughter, Heimdall?" Diana asks as she takes Thor's hand.

"She has been asking about you and has decided to search for her biological parents. I have seen her discussing this with the man that is courting her."

"Have you found out what sort of being this man is," Thor asks.

"Yes, My Prince, it appears he is a creature that lives off the blood of others. Though I have only ever seen him and his family feed on animals."

Diana's eyes widen, "A vampire."

Thor looks at Diana, confused, "What is that?"

"It is a Heimdall says a vampire is a creature from folklore that subsists by feeding on the vital essence generally in the form of human blood. "

Thor growls, "And this creature dares threaten my daughter?"

"No, My Prince, this creature, known as Emmett, has never once threatened the Princess. From what I have gathered, he loves her very much."

Thor doesn't like that one bit. He looks at Diana, who seems to feel the same way, "Thank you, Heimdall. If there is anything else, please inform us immediately."

Heimdall bows, "Of course, My Prince, My Princess."

Once Heimdall leaves, Thor wraps his arm around Diana's waist and turns; he begins walking into the palace. Diana gives him a puzzled look, "Where are we going, Thor?"

"To speak to the Allfather. It is time to retrieve our daughter. I will wait no longer."

Diana's eyes harden, "Yes, it is time."

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