17.4 The True Hero

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Dong Wei paced towards the library desk where the student librarians are hanging out. Exams are coming and most of the students are cramming inside the facility. Most of them are huddled on the math sections, a few on the language section, and almost nothing in the entertainment section. It seems that everyone is doing their last time studying before the exams.

The librarians are also affected by it. Since the books will still be taken out, they didn't bother to collect it to return on the shelves. They only have to wait until the closing hours to clean all the mess. Now, they focused on their studies, quietly highlighting whatever texts on their books.

Lang Yuan is also one of the librarians, however, he wasn't cramming like everyone. He already studied at home and just using this free time to scan his notes to reread some important points. This is why a few people are envious of him. Lang Yuan is a known genius. All he needed to do is to look and stare at an object. His mind process is faster than anything else.

When Dong Wei arrived on the front desk, he only needed to knock to gain the attention of almost all the students in the library. The knock is not loud, but for the students that have their brains activated, one stimulus is enough to gather their attention. Dong Wei made an apologizing look before looking at Lang Yuan that seems to be too focused on whatever he is reading.

Lang Yuan is just flipping his notes. None of the words from the notes entered his mind as it was occupied by something else. It is only when Dong Wei patted his shoulders that he managed to notice the other person's presence. He looks up to greet his senior.

"Senior Wei... is there anything you need?" Lang Yuan asked.

Dong Wei noticed that something is different with Lang Yuan. Normally, his expression is only in between the straight face and confusion.

However, the sight before him showed that Lang Yuan seems to be worried about something. For the people that did not know him, they will not notice the change. But for Dong Wei who seem to like this Junior could see the difference.

"No. Actually, I am here to remind you," Dong Wei leaned on the table.

Lang Yuan pushed his eyeglasses up with a frown. Did he forget something? Dong Wei understood his expression so he said:

"Remember that I invited you out for a meal? Mom is at home. She said that it should be time to bring you home to give her thanks for helping me," Dong Wei said.

"Oh..." Lang Yuan slowly nodded. Indeed, Dong Wei told him about it the other day. "When will it be?"

"How about this Saturday?" Dong Wei said.

"Saturday?" Lang Yuan, then again, pushed the rim of his eyeglasses up. From just expression, Dong Wei could tell that something is bothering the youth.

"Are you not free this Saturday?" Dong Wei asked.

"Um... actually..." Yan JiaYi will be discharged this Saturday.

That person said that he only needed one night of stay. However, the next day, Yan JiaYi broke out a fever. It extended for a few days. Lang Yuan wanted to just take leave to visit at the hospital.

But Mother Yan knows that the midterms exam is coming so she warned Lang Yuan to not go until the exams are done. The exams will be on Friday. Saturday is the only time he could go.

"If you are busy then we could move the date," Dong Wei just shrugs his shoulders. "Though, mom would be away. I am the only one who would cook for you."

"Senior Wei, you don't really have to-"

"Uh-uh, I won't listen to you. Didn't you agree already? How about Wednesday next week? The results of the exam will come on that day. We will celebrate your topping the first place again." Dong Wei said.

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