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A few years later, when he was eighteen, Sky was asked if he would "accept his role" and become the Butter King.

He, to much of everyone's surprise, declined, saying that he wanted to live his own life and figure out exactly what he wanted to do with it.

He left the kingdom later that same week. He had told no one that he was leaving, but one morning the Team woke up and Sky was gone. The only thing he had left was a note, telling the Team not to go chasing after him. The Team had a hunch that he was going back to where it all began, but they didn't go after him.

Sky took the small iron box with him. No one knew until he had gone, and when they found that the box was missing, there was only one solution as to who took it. He took it to keep it safe, to isolate the box where no one could find it.

Ty, sixteen, had also left, but he wasn't going with Sky. There was good memories at the base, but he felt as though too many bad memories, like painful scars, were there in the base. He promised to return whenever the Team needed him.

Jason finally got around to building himself a spaceship, and went back to his family, but not without a promise to come back some day. His family was overjoyed to see him, not knowing where he had been for eleven years. They listened intently as he told stories of all of his adventures, and he was glad to be home.

Rose and Darkclaw ended up going out with each other, and the rest of the group each owed A ten emeralds, since she called it first.

Quentin stayed in the base, and became one of the best expedition leaders ever, being the first to lead a group of recruits into a sea temple and beat it. He also became well known all over Minecraftia for his excellent use of TNT during battle.

Ssundee never had another episode again, and became known all over Minecraftia, just like Quentin, except he was known for his PVP and survival skills. Every once in a while, someone would show up to the base just to challenge Ssundee, and he beat them all.

As for Mitch, he never truly got over Shane, but he was much better. He went back to the way he was before, goofing off with Jerome, and became the only PVPer in the entirety of Minecraftia who could beat Ssundee. No one even tried to challenge him, except for Jerome, who did it so he had an excuse to hang out with his best friend, even though he didn't need one.

And what became of Jerome, you ask?

Jerome never changed.

The Team may be scattered, but they never truly broke apart. Whenever anyone in Minecraftia thought of Team Crafted, the seven players came to mind.

Sky. Deadlox. Jason. Jerome. Mitch. Ssundee. Quentin.

Team Crafted.

                                                                                    The End



I'm so happy with how far this series has come, and how far it's taken me in Wattpad!

And with the end of this book comes a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

I will not be doing Adult Team Crafted after all, but DON'T FREAK OUT JUST YET!!

Because....(drum roll please)

I'll wait for the drum roll.

You done?



That's right, there will be a brand new book (possibly a series) that starts somewhere around ten years after the Teen Team Crafted epilouge (which is up dere), so it's kind of like another sequel, but it's also an entirely different series!!!!!

And yes, I do know that March 4th 2015 seems light-years away, but I wanted to take a little time off of the Tiny Team Crafted series and spend a little time on some of my other books (which you should totally check out....hint hint nudge nudge).

Also, after Christmas, I believe I will (hopefully) have enough money to get the computer I want, and with my own computer comes more updates for you guys (since I won't be sharing with my mom anymore) and possibly someone new on Youtube....

But anyways, this has been Awesomeness1405, signing off on the Tiny Team Crafted series. It's been great getting to write this series!


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