SIX: Problematic

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     The break we tried to make towards the exit, now stopped by the mist man standing before us. To a bunch of first years who had no real experience, his presence had us frozen in place, barely even able to think, let alone move.

    "I know it's dreadful etiquette to invite ourselves into this haven of justice, so I ask that you forgive me." A deep voice resonates from somewhere within the amorphous mist. "Although it seems like a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to draw his last breath. Though it appears he isn't here."

Seeming to stretch out what would be his arms, he speaks again, "Ah, well... that matters not. I still have a job here to do."

"Like hell you do!" Bakugo shouts as he and Kirishima rush towards him, quirks activated, attacking him. A loud bang shakes the ground, and a screen of smoke begins to dissipate as the man emerges, entirely unharmed.

"Such strength... as expected from UA students." Speaking as if nothing had happened, his remark only seeming like nothing more than a casual observation. "But do be careful, children, lest someone get hurt."

Thirteen tried calling out to the two in front of the group, but was interrupted by the man.

"I'll scatter you all, to meet with my comrades, and your demise!" His form shifted and grew, reaching towards us.

"(L/N)! Your field! Now!" I was called to again, louder and with more urgency. In a moment of panic, I activated my quirk and instead of protecting my classmates, I placed a dome around the where the man stood. His dark clouds outside the dome ceasing to stretch towards us, seeming to dissolve into the air like a puff of hot air.

"Yes!" I cry out in success and look towards the others, not noticing a new swirl forming outside of my dome, the man completely escaping.

     "It appears that you're going to be quite troublesome with that quirk of yours, young lady." I didn't have time to react to how close and abruptly he had appeared right before me, causing me to fall backwards and land on my butt. Looking up towards him, he continues speaking, "I'll have to deal with you first then."

     The next thing I knew, it felt like I slipped through the ground, and I found myself about fifty stories in the air, that number decreasing rapidly as I fell towards the ground, screaming. The massive swirl of that darkened cloud encasing my classmates now dissipating to reveal nearly only a fifth remaining at the top of the steps.

Watching the ground race towards me at an alarming speed until my inevitable splattering didn't seem like all that much fun, so continuing to scream, I scrunched my eyes closed and waited for myself to become ground meat.

     Suddenly yanked to the side, my voice cut out. Opening my eyes to see what pulled me from gravity's intended trajectory, I see tape wrapped around my torso, and Sero pulling me towards himself and the others. Shoji with his arms all outstretched, waiting to catch me on impact.

     Mere meters from the group, I knew that if I wasn't positioned correctly, I could cause more damage than was imminent to both myself and to Shoji. Trying to maneuver myself  in midair to aim my back towards him was difficult and I knew it wasn't going to work.

     This was going to end badly for the both of us.

     "Uraraka, NOW!" I hear Sero shout, just before I feel a hand make swift contact with my arm last minute, reducing my weight to nothing.

     Zero gravity or not, the momentum I gained from falling then being harshly pulled sideways still had me crashing into Shoji with enough force for him to slightly recoil backwards as he wrapped his arms around my form, stabilizing me against his chest as Uraraka released her quirk.

     The threat of my impending death now alleviated, stinging tears prick at the edge of my vision as I allow myself to cling tightly to the soft material of Shoji's hero costume as he bends to, unsuccessfully, set me back on the ground.

     My legs refusing to cooperate and allow me to stand on my own, crumple beneath me, forcing me to the ground below, Shoji still at my side, now kneeling.

"(L/N)! Are you okay?" I hear Thirteen call to me. Unable to form any words, I just nod slowly and look to her with blurred vision.

     She had the finger caps on her suit open, using her quirk against the man, who took advantage of her distraction to open a warp directly behind her, directing the vacuum against her back, tearing at her hero suit.

     "How unfortunate for you, you've turned yourself into dust..." he speaks again, smarmy tone proving he felt no remorse for his actions.

     "Thirteen! No!" My classmates cried out, watching our instructor fall to the ground, considerably injured and weakened.

     "Iida, you have to get out of here and get help, now!" Sato calls to Iida, who hesitates in a panic before shouting to himself and taking off, his quirk accelerating him past the man and towards the exit doors.

     "I refuse to let this sheep escape from the wolves!" The man calls out and takes off towards Iida, with intent to stop him and most likely send him on an identical trip to mine.

I attempt to stand and ready my arm to form a shield between Iida and the man, but again my legs give out beneath me and I fall to the ground once more. 

     Before any of us realize, Shoji had bolted towards the two of them and managed to tackle the man's body, calling to Iida to continue to run for help.

     "I don't have time for this!" The dark cloud of a man shouted, escaping Shoji's grasp. He extends himself towards Iida yet again, this time nearly encompassing him entirely. 

     Is there nothing we can do that can stop him? He keeps escaping...


*****Hello! I'm so sorry for the long wait and then the shorter chapter, I've just had major writers block for a while there I'm so sorry!!

Please let me know if there's anything I can improve on!!*****

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