27: Lies and Secrets

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Warning! This oneshot has a slightly depressing theme throughout, reader having to deal with horrible rumours as well as pregnancy. As with all my oneshots though, I'm a sucker for happy endings, so I hope you enjoy.

Quirk:  Shadow Manipulation

 My red and white haired boyfriend and I had been seeing each other for eight months, one night recently taking our relationship to the full sexual level. It felt so good and so perfect being with him, and later in the night I couldn't help but stare at his sleeping form, taking in all his handsome features: his hair, his scar, his jawline. Gently I snuggled against his naked body, holding onto him tightly and never wanting to let go. Unfortunately the happiness I was feeling in that moment didn't want to stay.

It had been a month and a half since we first had intercourse, and it's fair to say we became addicted to each others bodies however I soon began to get suspicions and paranoid as we stupidly didn't use contraception the first time. I didn't voice my worries to Shoto because I didn't want to frighten him, but I did tell my best friend Momo and my older sister (s/n). They urged me to get a pregnancy test and take it straight away, the pair of them just as eager to find out as I was.

The worry of being pregnant distracted me from something that started happening at school. Momo noticed first that many girls were sending me scowls and many guys were looking on at me, apparently intrigued. Once Momo had pointed this out to me I started to notice it, getting a little uncomfortable every time girls would whisper between themselves and stare at me whilst doing so. Even people in our class had begun acting strange around me, including Shoto. He started trying to avoid me, hurting me more and more especially after I took the pregnancy test and found out I was five weeks pregnant. I had told Momo and (s/n), and they kept on telling me I needed to tell Shoto but I had absolutely no idea how. I was utterly terrified.

It was afternoon and I was sat at my desk, staring off into space and waiting for class to start. Midnight walked in just then and stood behind the teachers desk, taking the register. I glanced quickly over to my boyfriend who was staring at me with a completely straight face, making me slightly nervous. I tried smiling and waving subtly at him but he simply turned away. His behaviour towards me had been like that for the past fortnight and it scared me, especially as I had to tell him I was pregnant, preferably today. Once class was over there was a sudden looming shadow over my desk, and I looked up to see Shoto standing there.

"Hey Shoto! Fancy walking home together-,"

"We need to talk," was all he said before walking out of the classroom.

"O-okay," I said, furrowing my eyebrows, my heart beating rapidly. Momo sent me a thumbs up as if to say 'you can do it, tell him' but nerves were running through my body, fast. I walked out of the classroom and spotted him at the end of the long corridor, leaning up against the wall. "Hey, what's wrong? You've seemed a little... quiet over the past week," I said but he simply remained staring at the ground. "L-listen, Shoto... I have something I need to tell you-,"

"Oh I think I know what it is," he said through gritted teeth making me panic.

"Y-you do?" I asked, shaking a little bit.

"Yes, I do. I'm breaking up with you (y/n)."

I was praying to god I had misheard him. My breathing became heavy and my heart felt as though it was about to have an attack. I was frozen on the spot, my arms completely limp as I stared at him. I tried to say something, anything, but nothing was coming out. Without looking at me he walked back into the classroom to grab his belongings before walking out and away. I was still frozen on the spot, unable to comprehend what had just happened. After a few minutes my breathing quickened up and I felt as though I was having a panic attack. Tears streamed down my face as I collapsed to the floor, howling out, not caring about the people passing by. Momo rushed out of the classroom to help me, taking me to the girls bathroom so I could let out all my emotions without any onlookers. My thoughts were whirling, my heart was crushing - the boy I loved so much, the father of my child had just up and left me, and I had no idea why.

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