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Hello everyone,

I just want to talk about my plans for this book.

I was supposed to update this book around christmas time but I don't know what happened with wattpad, it suddenly stopped responding and crashed or something. I lost a whole chapter with almost 2k words😭 I felt so frustrated that I didn't start writing over again until yesterday. I was gonna finish the chapter tonight but the x1 disbandment news just broke my heart. I love those boys so freaking much and I just lost one of my happy pills. I was crying for hours, not wanting to believe it.

I'm gonna continue writing this book because I have already planned where I'm taking this. But I just need some time to breathe and take the sudden news all in. I hope you guys understand :((

Maybe I can finish writing the update tomorrow. So yeah, please follow me if u want to know when I'll be updating and such.

Btw, thank you for still supporting this book although it's not that good😅♡

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