Chapter 3

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I am five years old now. I think our mother has started to catch on to the fact that I know more about the future but I am not sure. Currently, she just knows that I am a prodigy, a quick learner, and a smart child. 

I still don't like Gabe. The wedding was a few weeks ago and I know for sure that he has already started his abuse on Percy. With mom, I'm not sure but I've been making sure that I'm not in the same room as him without someone else. I have no doubts about what he will do to a beautiful little girl who doesn't know their manners.

Percy and I are currently in the park. A big thank you mother, I do not want to be in the apartment longer than necessary. She had baked us some of her amazing blue cookies and now they were sitting in two small tin cans, ready to be eaten. Right now I am sitting on a bench over to the side while mom pushes Percy on the swings. I quickly jot down a few lines and look back up. Mom had gotten me a sketchbook when she figured out that other toys would not entertain me. It turns out that I am good at drawing and can draw intricate drawings even at such a young age. (Even though I still have my 12 years from my last life but no one else knows about those. )

Right now I'm drawing a still life of the playset in front of me. It's turning out pretty. I'm getting really hungry so I look over at mom. When I catch her gaze, I turn my head and look at my cookie tin. I know she understands the message and sure enough, she nods. I run over to our stuff next to the swingset and grab my tin before running back to my spot on the bench. I enjoy the cookies, savoring the taste of each. 

When mom is finished pushing Percy I tag him. "Tag! You're it!" I shout and run away. I may be an adult in my mind but even adults need to have some fun. We run back and forth tagging each other until I get an idea. I climb onto the playset I was drawing and ran to the slide before stopping to let Percy catch up. Once he is close to me I swing myself down the covered slide. When I get to the bottom I turn around and climb the top of the slide. Percy will never find me here. 

I turn my head to find that Percy was at the bottom of the slide and was looking around, trying to find me. He ventured about but couldn't find me. That is until mom called us back to the swingset to leave. I sighed, why do we have to leave so early? Tomorrow we have to go to preschool because mom has to go to work. And we are not staying at home with Gabe that pig.  

We got back to the apartment with Gabe throwing a temper tantrum, . "You said you would be back in twenty Sally, you took thirty!" Then he looks at us. "Kids go into the other room." He says forcefully while staring straight at me. Oh no. He is thinking about doing something. It's not going to be good for me. But seriously, when did he learn to think? 

I quickly bring Percy to our bedroom knowing what was about to happen.

"What he does want with mommy?" Percy asked.

I shrug. "Maybe he just wants to tell her that he doesn't want her to be late again," I say. But inside I know what had happened. He probably slapped her. And just for that, I know that it will be a lot easier to get rid of him in the future. 

"Let's go to bed. We have to go to pre-school tomorrow," I tell him. He nods in return.

I wake up right at 8 in the morning and quickly shake Percy. A few seconds later when he doesn't wake up I grab his bedsheets and drag them off of the bed. Less than a second later the cold air hits him and he wakes up.

"Dia!" He complains. "Why wake me up so early?"

"Unless you want to wake up by Smelly Gabe's shouting get to it," I tell him. I then rush and grab a pair of clothes and put them on. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Then I go and help out Percy. (We're only 5 remember that.)

Mom drives us to the daycare and drops us off before driving off to her job.
We walk inside and check on with our teacher, Mr. Hallmark. He is nice and understands that I am smarter than the other kids, thankfully.

We start playing with the toys that are set out for us. Percy is playing with the blocks while listening to me play the piano that is there. I remember learning how to play in my past life. Though it isn't the best at times because my hands are tiny and can't reach all the keys.

Once the clock hits 9:30 Mr. Hallmark calls for our attention. A bunch of other kids had arrived. We start making an art project. We are supposed to be making a flower by getting pieces of paper and decorating them. Once they are decorated we have to glue them onto a large straw with is the stem.

Me being me, I first helped Percy with his. He decided that he wanted to draw with a blue marker on the petals of his flower. I helped him by giving him some ideas and helping him keep the petals sticking to the straw.

Once he was done, I first drew on the petals. I decide that I want to follow Percy and use a blue marker on the paper. I drew coral under the sea and fish. I also drew turtles so that the whole thing when put together looked like a whole coral reef. I glued them on the straw and voila! A coral reef on a flower. 

After art, we have nap time. Of course, my brain doesn't allow me to take a nap so I usually just stay awake during the time and sketch. But this time was different. We went to our cots and laid down. Some time ago, I felt a river coming out of me. This must be my 'scent' I had realized. So I decided that to help our mother I would slowly try to close it. Stop the flow. 

Today, only a stream was coming out of me. I slowly but steadily I applied a little pressure to the sides of the stream so that there was no more coming out of me. It took a bit of energy. Now, mom will have less to worry about. Monsters won't be coming after me. 

I look over at Percy and realized he wasn't asleep either. He looked like he was holding- Idiot! I forgot that Percy strangles a snake during nap-time at preschool! It happened just like in the books. Hopefully, I won't change anything. I didn't exist in the books and so I shouldn't exist now. I wonder, are the books being rewritten as time goes on? That would be weird- ADHD! I really am a demigod.

The rest of the day flew by. We had lunch, watched a movie, had storytime, and played some games outside. Now it's time to be picked up. I mentally prepared myself for our mother's reaction to Percy's new toy. Here it is. 

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!" My mother started hyperventilating. I walked over to her and tried to help her out. 

"Breath," I tried. I patted her back (or as far up as I could reach) until she got a hold of herself.  She quickly deposited the snake in the trash and took us home. Once we arrived she started searching for a new pre-school for us to go to. She didn't want us going there again.

And there goes the start of the very long list of schools we're going to.

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