Best friends

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This imagine is for @itsreallyjaz

You grab your phone and watch the tiktok that you and Tony just made, you decide that you like it and click the publish button. "That one felt good" Tony says grabbing his water bottle "yeah, I just posted it".

"So I have a crazy idea" tony says "okay?" You turn to look at him "well you know how every time we post a video together there tons of comments that say things like "they should date" or "I ship them"?" You blush but just laugh it off "yeah?" You say sitting down on the couch "well I mean if you want to I was thinking maybe we actually do go on a date sometime?" When you heard that you stood up so fast you got a head rush and had to sit down again. Once you could you stood up again "um yeah actually I would really like that".

Exactly three days later you stood in your bedroom looking in your closet "aughh! I don't have anything to wear" you had just gotten out of the shower and tony will be here to pick you up in about an hour and a half. Finally you picked out one of your more simple dresses but put on some high heels to keep it date worthy.

After putting on your outfit you put on some of your favorite jewelry and went to do your hair

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After putting on your outfit you put on some of your favorite jewelry and went to do your hair. You put beach waves into your hair and threw on some light makeup. By the time you were done you still had about 15 minutes before tony is supposed to be there. You walk downstairs and put your keys and wallet in your purse and grab some gum. You sit down to wait, finally there is a knock at your door and there stands Tony with your favorite flowers in hand "oh my god you remembered" you say putting your hand on your heart. "Of course I did" he says handing them to you.

After putting them in a vase you get in the car and head to the restaurant. Once you get in and sat at your table you begin to talk. "So um normally I would ask things like, what are your hobbies? Or maybe ask about your family but I already know those things" he laughs "well yes but at least it's not awkward like first dates normally would be" you say smiling "true, very true" the waiter comes and takes your order.

You end up talking so much that your don't end up eating very much of your food. "Well are you ready to go?" Tony asks you "yeah sure" you say kinda sad that the dates about over, you were having an amazing time.

You get to your house and pull into your drive way and park. You sigh "so I had a really good time" you say smiling "who knew you could be such a gentleman" Tony laughs "yeah we'll get used to it" he says and you blush knowing that meant there would be more of these amazing dates. You look at him as he puts his elbow on the arm rest and leans into you kissing you. Finally you need air and lean back catching your breath "well Tony Lopez that really was something" he laughs "well you can get used to that too" he winks at you and you feel your face heat up even more.

You give his hand a squeeze and open the door you wave to him as he drives away. You open your door and walk inside and go to do your nightly routine all the while thinking about Tony

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