Chapter 40

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Running. Run from whom though. Run to where? Things that need to be done. Things that have to be done. We had to leave and we had to run.

After the second letter I couldn't stay there anymore. And the detectives suggested it as well. The question though that was in my head was 'what if they find us again?', 'what if this is not over?', 'what if our running is not going to help?'. Jisoo realized my inner anxiety and tried to hold me in her arms. Her arms were always the only place that was making me feel safe. And I needed them more than ever.

The police took us to Ella's school to pick her up. Jisoo couldn't drive with everything that was happening and I was feeling the same. How would we go to that hotel without them noticing that? Because I was sure they knew every move of ours. So they knew the police was there and they would follow us. I was starting to feel like a character of those mystery books. I was panicking if I would hear someone walking behind us, I would flinch if someone was touching me without notice. I was so close to become neurotic and I didn't like how I was reacting to everything. I guess it was logical. Was it though?

"Jennie, I am so sorry."

"For what?"

"I feel that everything is my fault. Those people.. I.." she was teary eyed.. She was about to cry inside the car where the detectives were heading us to Ella's school. Ella. My little girl was suffered a lot since she was a baby. She never met her real mom, we never had a place to call ours except Jisoo's apartment and now with all this that was happening to us we were again back to square one.

"Please don't cry.. I am sorry that I made you think that it was your fault but it's not. Okay? It's not your fault. We.." I took a big breath and I told her something that I wasn't sure I was believing.. "We are going to find them. We will and then we will continue our lives from where we left them. We will continue being us. I love you."

"I love you too baby, always.."

Obviously we didn't hide that we were a couple from detective Lee. He looked at us a couple of times while we were at the apartment but I didn't see in his look discomfort or being disgusted. I guess two girls together was always hot for men.

"Jisoo, Jennie. I am going to go inside and I need one of you to come with me. The other one is going to stay with Detective Lee."

"I am going to stay. Jisoo can you go with Detective Kang?" I said without thinking. And why? Because I needed to figure out who this new Detective was. I knew Detective Kang for months now but I wanted to feel safe when I would let him protect my girls.

"Okay. We will be back in a few."

Once alone in the car I stayed quiet although I wanted to talk with him. Ask him so many questions. Like 'will you find them?', 'are we going to be fine?'. Simple questions like that.

"I know that the situation is really bad right now but I promise you Ms. Jennie that we are going to try our best to find who is behind all that." He said like he knew what I was thinking.

"How are you so sure Detective?"

"Because it's my job. I see that every day. I know how these people work. And I am sure that whoever that might be they are going to make a mistake and we are going to be there to caught them."

I don't why but he made me believe him. It was something in his calm nature that made me feel calm as well. All I could say was that I could trust him. We stayed quiet after that till my baby girl was inside the car smiling and kissing my cheek. All I want for my child is to never see her sad or cry. I want for her to be able to smile forever. That's what all parents want for their children.

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