Chapter 17: You Can't Save Everyone

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Most of the time I've spent interning under Endeavor, I've mostly done capacity training by myself, though I did spar with Todoroki a few times. In the morning at least, we can usually get warmed up without Endeavor yelling at us the entire time. Thankfully, Endeavor never pays attention to me until I ask for assistance, so a couple of times, I got to talk to Izumi over the phone. I learned that she's managing to not break her bones so...I'm proud.

Damn, I really am going soft, huh? I wonder what...What He would say if he could see me now.

(Y/N): "Hey, Endeavor. I'm...I'm gonna go to Hosu. I have a weird feeling...something is wrong."

Endeavor: "Why would you go there in just a hunch? If nothing is there then you're wasting valuable time."

(Y/N): "..."

I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. Honestly, I just felt kind of dead, like something just drained me of all the energy I had and the thing filling in that void was the need to go on a patrol in Hosu. Thankfully, I managed to map out a route due to Endeavor taking us there every other day because stain just...Exists.

(Y/N): "Call me if you're gonna patrol, I'll...I'll meet up with you."

*Insert JoJo reference here*

"Is that a mother fuckin' JOJO REFERENCE?"

No. No it isn't. It's me being lazy and trying for cheap comedy when I KNOW I could do better.

What the hell is up with me right now? I never ride in the train. It's always just on top of the train or hiding in the back. But here I am, Stuck in between a sleeping man who bears a striking resemblance to Aizawa...Okay, never mind. Here I am, stuck between Aizawa and a Poorly disguised Present Mic. Ah, the good ol' Fedora + Trench coat. The thing made to be inconspicuous even though it is literally the most conspicuous thing you could possibly wear (then again, I'm in no place to judge with my hero costume). I wonder why they're here. On this train. Together.

Ah, if only Todoroki was here. She'd be conspiracy theorizing so I don't have to.

After getting off at my station and starting on my new patrol route, I take in the day time Hosu. It's...Nice. Couples doing couple things, families doing family things. It's a nice refresher from having to deal with the Todoroki family's...Less than healthy relationship. No time to bask in the sun and take in the sights however. I got a job to do.

I know that it hasn't been that long since I went on patrol of my own volition, but I can't help but feel some weak sense of nostalgia as I jump from building to building, swinging around with my chain, trying to stay out of sight from the common man. It's like when I was still just a vigilante delinquent, stealing money from Thugs, scaring people. Just me against the world...

I guess I just got too used to being alone after the incident in Empire city.

And why do I feel like someone is watching me again? No one can see on top of the rooftops.

(Y/N): "You know, I'm really feeling down."


(Y/N): "...Up?"


(Y/N): "Oh my."

As night begins to fall and the streets start to slow down, I take a break from my patrol, sitting on the edge of a building and looking up the sky. It's quiet, and peaceful...I've learned a lot of things while going to UA. I've learned how to cook. I've learned how to go on patrols more efficiently. I've learned how to fight along side others instead of being a lone wolf. But there are some things that you can only learn by experience, and one thing I learned over my years of vigilantism?

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