Chapter 5.5

155 12 5

More ink, please
Anna was pulled back by a chain and led into a room that had a huge platform. We traveled down a long hallway to keep up. We met a glass room. Anna was high up on a platform. There was a screen in front of her, with a blue,green,pink,and purple button. Then, a black liquid, that looked like ink, started rising from the ground. Then, a question popped up on the screen. It was literary. She WAS the writer after all. She quickly pressed the correct answer. After about five, she got one wrong. The ink rose quicker. She started panicking and eventually started to randomly press buttons. The ink eventually rose up to her neck. It was really rising quick now. It lifted her up and she hit the top of the room. The liquid went to the top and stopped. She struggled and held her breath. She gave out one last yelp.
Alright. That's all I could think for the execution. Thanks for reading. Comment, Vote, and Follow. Love you. See you later

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