Reunited (Part 2)

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yo i finished all my history work early so I'm writing this

oops, this isn't YouTube

Though, it wasn't yesterday.


I can't believe it. I never thought I'd see these two again. Yet here we are. We hugged each other for a good ten seconds, and heard muffling. It was Third Reich and... Germany? That's new. Germany has Reich down and signaled for us to leave. Japan and Italy lead me away from that place.

"You look exactly the same." Japan studied me. "Nothing has changed since we last saw you."

"Well, you see, I kinda fell into a portal and traveled to WW2." I said, a little fast. I continued. "That portal? Yeah. Those things randomly appear for me to travel through time... and worlds."

Italy looked at me. "Interesting. But, you can't stay here. Not in this time, I mean. You have to go back to your time."

I sighed. "If only it were that easy. I have no control over these portals."

"We'll figure it out, (Y/N)." Japan said as she put a hand on my arm. I winced. She seemed to notice the frickin bullet in my arm, from which I got while trying to save Italy haha remember? Good times.

"Oh jeez! We gotta get that bandaged up." Japan exclaimed. She went to go get supplies.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Italy said all of a sudden. "Thanks for pushing me out of the way all those years back. It's been years, but strangely enough, it feels like yesterday. I'm sorry that happened."

I smiled at him. "It's okay, Italy. Besides, after a while, the pains startes to get a little bearable."

I saw Italy get a little red. I guess he still feels bad or something. I think. A few minutes later, Japan returned with supplies. She did what she had to do to fix me up. I kept looking at my now bandaged up arm, refusing to move or bend it even the slightest bit.

"There." Japan started. "I wouldn't really say 'good as new', but it's better than before. Now, about getting you back to your time and world, I don't exactly know how to help you with that."

I sighed. "It's okay, another portal is bound to pop up." Like seriously. These things are starting to pop up so much, I might just call this a normal Tuesday.

Germany came into the room. He looked at me, then looked at Japan and Italy. "So, what's up with this girl?"

"Uh, what about Reich?" Italy asked. "Are you sure he isn't gonna... come back again or anything?"

Germany nodded. "I'm sure. He's out cold for now." He pointed at me. "Now tell me about her."

"So this is (Y/N)." Japan started. I waved a little with me healthy arm "She's from the future. We don't know much about her. We've seen her before, randomly might I add. For some reason, she is only brought when there is a World War."

Germany studied me for a bit. "The future, huh? (Y/N), tell me, is there going to be a WW3?"

I sat there, thinking back to all the WW3 memes I've seen on Instagram. I shrugged with a worried expression. "I hope not."

Germany looked at me confused, then shrugged it off. "Well, I don't really know what to do about your situation. But I think I know some people who MIGHT know. First, we've gotta talk to the Allies."

"This isn't how WW2 went..." I said.

"This is a fanfic, what did you expect?"

"You make a valid point."

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