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Alex woke to the sound of burning embarrassment and the feeling of agonizing groans. He still couldn't believe anything that had happened the previous night—disobeying his father's wishes and wearing a dress to the ball. He'd danced with another male, himself playing the role of a princess when it wasn't his to play. And, as if to finish it off with a fresh cherry, red and bursting with bittersweetness, the man whom he'd danced with, floated through the air with, made out with, was the Prince of Ferrum.

The Kingdom of Ferrum was the polar opposite of Aurum. Ferrum mocked Aurum's love and appreciation of the arts, in turn mass producing killing machines as easily and often as they did clothing. They traded melodic song for battle cries, and sacrificed strength of mind for strength of body. Everywhere Ferrum was weak, Aurum flourished, creating a delicate balance between the two kingdoms. They both were ready to go to war at any minute--prepared for the day in which either side broke their promise to the other.

It was a balance so fragile that Alex feared for his life he had tipped it.

Alex buried his face into his pillow, lying there until he could no longer breathe. He jumped in his bed when his door suddenly opened. Anastasia, with little regard for the fact that she nearly gave him a heart attack, walked straight in and sat herself at the foot of his bed.

"I bear good news," she said. At this, Alex perked up. He could always use a dose of good news, especially now. "The dress you made for me was a huge hit last night."

He smiled, albeit weakly, but his happiness was there. "I should hope so. Two week's worth of my time and tears went into that hunk of pearls and chiffon. What'd they say?"

"They said that they loved the intricacy and detail of it." As she spoke she bounced about, leaving Alex in a bed as unsteady as the sea. "And a very particular they said they wanted me to ask my designer if they were interested in joining the costume designing set for the upcoming Romeo and Juliet ballet."

Were his ears functioning properly? "No way."

"Yes way. I wasn't that tipsy last night."

"But I can't," he said, remembering who he was. "Father would never let me. He wouldn't dare let anyone find out what shameful activities the prince does in his spare time."

She gave him a dead stare and deadpanned, "you're so right. If only there were a way for you to become an entirely different person." Then she turned her stare to his closet, overflowing with his pastel creations. "If only you had dozens of beautiful, handmade dresses just waiting to be worn. If only they could make you unrecognizable, too."

Alex shot a glare at her. "No."

"Why not? It's the perfect idea!"

"I did it last night," he said, "and only for one night. I can't pull of a completely new identity." Flashbacks of Ezra's hands on his waist suddenly rushed to his head. He tried vigorously to shake them out.

"Alex, you love fashion. And you're fucking good at what you do. It'd be an absolute crime for you to not share your talent with the world. Don't you want to be happy for once?"

"I said I'm not doing it!" Hot anger swelled in his chest. He hated being too afraid to do what he wanted, but what he hated more was the fact that he was the way that he was to begin with. He couldn't explain any of this to her, nor could he explain that he'd danced with Ezra. "I'll be caught. Then what? I'll be ruined. I'll have nothing." He took deep breaths to prevent his voice from becoming a shout. "Absolutely nothing."

Anastasia took one last, hard look at him. "Fine." She then removed herself from his bed, brushing off his rejection and walked to the door. For some reason, Alex couldn't seem to stop the pounding in his head.

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