Chapter 2 - |Found you!|

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"Oh, really?!"


"Are you fucking sure of this?!"

"Why are you staring to get mad now?!"

The amused sigh he lets out is now lost in the air in the apparence of a thick haze of heat, because of the cold that surrounds them.

Steps are hitting the concrete, and jerky respirations are the only sounds they made for some seconds. The cold is making his nose pink, but it doesn't really matter, because his attention is fully on the small and energic ball of sun at his left, who walks at the same speed as him, the two of them heading to the school they studied at.

He adjusts his black scarf, before putting his hands in his pockets, without letting the orange haired boy out of his vison.

The smaller being had a big, luminous smile, and turned to face his companion, who frowned sightly.

"You don't believe me?! I'm the one who won yesterday! It's 53-50 for me!"

The proud smile of Shouyou annoys his mate, as he hits the smallest with a pinch on one of his arms, making him giggle. Kageyama grunts, and Hinata raises his hand as a peace demonstration, calming the taller teenager in an instant.

But he frowns when he sees the impassible face of the other, who stares at him, before asking :

"Anyway. You still aren't goin' to tell me who was the weirdo of the other day?"

Wind was then the only sound to reach Tobio's ears, for a moment.

A remarkable changement went through Shoyou's body. He tensed, and his expression froze, before leaving a dark light into his eyes. Kageyama recognizes the signs of stress when it comes to Shouyou, so he directly knows that he is not really comfortable talking about it, the moment he twiddles his bag's strap.

He sighs in his head, a little annoyed of the other's reticence, as he silently waits for the answer.

"I've told you already. It's one of my middle-school's teammate."

"I'm not dumb. What's making no senses, is your reaction."

The stern tone of the dark-haired boy doesn't even make Hinata flinch.

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