Chapter 4

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In the car, appa and his friend were talking about something. His friend said that Seoul High is one of the best schools here.  Seems like appa wants  to enroll us in that school. Ugh school.

I looked out the car window and his image is still clear. Dark blonde, pretty eyes and not to mention tall. I'm like a midget beside him. I dazed out for a few moments. "Eun Hye yah, look at that signboard," Eun Ji pointed at the window, "It's a bunch of boy group. I've heard they're really really good lookin'" she says with her cheeky look.

"Not bad," I said with that kind of face "And I can't wait to go to sleep. Those hours in the plane, airplane food, yuck!" I said. "Well, it's because we're about 25,000 feet above ground and that makes our taste buds to fade" Eun Ji says as if she's a smart pants, actually she is right though. "Yeah yeah. Now shush" I said.


"Skunk bag, wake up! We're here" Eun Ji shook me. I thought it's an earthquake. "Ha? What? Here where?"  I said half awake. "At the dump, sending where you truly belong. Of course we're home" she said sarcasticly. We got out of the car and breathe the atmosphere.

We carried out our bags from the trunk until "Please let me help you. Welcome home Miss Eun Hye, Miss Eun Ji and of course Mr.Lee" one of our  loyal housekeeper greeted us,  Dae Ho. "Why annyeong Dae Ho. Is everything fine here?"  appa asked him. "Yes sir, let me help you carry that" he insist. 

I sling my bag across my body and head to the room. My bedroom was just like how I left it when I was six. Now, I'm sixteen. Well me and Eun Ji are actually. We're not twins just that we're about the same age. I was about to unpack my stuff because I wanna turn on the jam so that I unpack things faster.

I was looking for my Polo bag, "Aha! There you are"  talking to myself. It was on the bed. I opened the bag, suddenly I saw that the stuff in my bag, I mean the bag wasn't mine at all. 
"Oh shit. Where the hell is my stuff. I mean what's this? Harry Potter's glasses? A book titled 'How to be the perfect man?' Who reads this kind of stuff anyway? Most of all whose bag is this?!" I said it out loud. 

"Dude, I mean dudettes, why we're you shouting? I can hear you from the bathroom" Eun Ji barged in with a towel around her and her hair was dripping wet. "I wanted to take my Ipod out but this bag doesn't belongs to me."  I sighed. I can see that Eun Ji was thinking hard. "Well, did your bag fall somewhere?"  she asked. "

Well, I did-," my eyes widened then "bumped into somebody at the airport . We have the exact same bag! And both of our bags fell. Guess we must've switched bags"  I told her. "Well, in that case check for an Identification card or something like a passport in the bag. Anything?"  she asked me.

I rumerged through the bag, took out everything, at last! I found the moment of truth, a wallet. I looked at it "Hmpp this guy has good taste in choosing brands"  I scoffed.

"Well what'chu waiting for? Open the wallet!" she said with excitement. "Chill dude, it's not like ice cream will extinct if I don't open the wallet" I said and opened the wallet. I took out the ID. "Voila! Who the heck is NAF IH NM? How do you even pronounce this guy's name? Is he even foreign? Oh look a Canadian." I said. 

"Let me see that,"  she snatched the card away from me "nice try genius, it's upside down!"  she says as if she's right, well she is. "I knew that. Okay this guy's name is WU YI FAN. Now tell me who the heck is he"  I said frustratingly because I really need my bag back. Oh cool 'bag back'. 


I can't wait to tell you whats gonna happen next. Be sure to vote, thanks :)

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