Chapter 14: I'm Sorry

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You know what, I started writing this chapter a lot earlier than I expected so this might come out earlier than I also expected it to. So there is a good note to start on!

Anyways, last chapter was kind of... dramatic I would say. XD I didn't expect it to have as much humor as I did when I was writing it but don't blame me! All of these chapters are written by a teen struggling to survive on her last brain cell so you technically up for this!

(Also thought this song fit the chapter)

Haha, anyways let's get right in to the chapter!

Y/N's POV:

I shuddered in the quiet room, the moonlight being the only light coming in through the window.

"You can't run away from all your problems Y/N," I murmured to myself as I hugged my knees closer to my chest. The fluffy blanket that Misako had bought for me was wrapped up tightly around my sitting form.

I sat quietly on my bed listening to the creaking of my weight on the bed. While the blanket was trapping my body heat so I would stay warm, I still shivered under the covers.

I listened to the sounds around me. I could hear crickets chirping under the moonlight trying to keep me company as the world around me fell sleep. 

I wonder if Lloyd is awake...

I wanted to open my door and run to his room only to engulf him in a hug and whisper a billion I'm sorry's into his ears and telling him I didn't mean too leave him.

It hurt, I'm not going to lie. The fact that I built up so much anger towards the green ninja about everything that had happened only to find out it was Lloyd. I blamed him for the death of my parents whenever he was with me across the sea at the time of their death.

I knew it wasn't his fault yet I blamed him. I didn't just blame the Green Ninja before I knew it was Lloyd, I blamed him after I knew his real identity too.

I fell down on my back with a sigh and pulled the blanket off of my head, sending a wave of bitter cold towards my face. The bed creaked louder as I pressed more weight onto the soft mattress.

With the hand that I pushed out of my warm burrito, I reached for my phone. Bringing it up to my face I turned the screen on letting the bright light hit my face before I turned the phone off again. Was it really 2:30 in the morning?

I opened my mouth to grumble quietly as I plugged my phone back into it's charger, "It can't be this late, I'm not even tired yet! I wish Lloyd was here... He would help me... Ugh, why did I have to be so stubborn and stupid!"

 I twisted and turned in my frustration, trying to find another comfortable position because I accidentally moved from my original position.

When I couldn't find a comfy position, I sat up in my bed and cracked my back a few times to ease my bones. I sat on my bed, hunched from burdens and sleep depression.

I heard a door in the hallway creak open. If I wasn't in an apartment on the 7th floor, in a small living area that held 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a living room/kitchen area I would have been afraid of abnormal activity.

I was tempted to get out of my bed and see who was roaming in the halls this late at night. My curiosity was slowly taking the best of me as I silently swung my feet over my bed side.

The footsteps were soft and quiet but I was able to notice that they seemed to get slightly louder. Were they coming to my room?

I almost slid off my bed to go to my bedroom door before the train of thoughts rolling through my mind stopped me.

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