Volume II: Chapter Five

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Week Twenty-Eight

"Katsuki!" Masuru, Bakugo's father, threw his arms open, embracing his son. He's always been the motherly-type.

Mitsuki, Bakugo's mother, ruined the warm hug by throwing Bakugo into a headlock, "think because you're a big shot you don't have to visit us any more, huh?!" Her hand messed up his hair.

Midoriya chuckled. Seeing how they interacted reminded him of his mother. No time for crying. He thought to himself while plastering a smile on his face. They seemed easy enough to get along with.

"Midoriya Izuku! You're just as pretty as you are in the news," Masuru complimented while lightly hugging him, being extremely careful of the bump.

"T-thank you," the greenette blushed. Compliments weren't something handed out to him often. He hid himself behind Bakugo, his hands gliding down his arm until their fingers intertwined. This only made him blush more.

Mitsuki chuckled, "it's so nice to finally meet you," she could tell Midoriya was slightly flustered, cute. "what have you whipped up for us today Katsuki?" Her son is an excellent cook.

"Kare-Raisu," (Curry Rice) The four of them settled themselves into the dinning area. Mitsuki and Masuru seated on one side while Midoriya and Bakugo sat on the opposite side.

"Serve your mate," Mitsuki sternly said, her eyes glaring deep into Bakugo's soul. She taught him to be a gentleman.

Bakugo did as he was told, "eat slowly," he reached over, taking Midoriya's hand in his before planting a kiss on the back of it.

"Bakugo~" he whined, hiding his red face with his other palm.

Mitsuki and Masuru grinned at each other. Slightly reminiscing of their younger days as mates.

Mitsuki cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. "So Katsuki, do you plan to take a leave from work when Midoriya has the baby?"

"I've thought about it. I'm not sure how long I should take," Bakugo took a bite of his rice, "work hasn't been too busy anyways. Mainly low-class villains," he had to point out that it's not too dangerous for him to be working.

"Come to think of it," Midoriya remembered something that was promised awhile ago, "when I first moved in, didn't you say you would be at work often?" He gave a cheeky grin.

"Ahem, I don't know what you're talking about," Bakugo avoided the whole conversation. He didn't want to admit he had his eyes on Midoriya long before he asked him to move in. "To answer your question, I will be taking a leave,"

Midoriya reaches under the table, pinching Bakugo's thigh. A smirk crept across his lips while glaring at his mate.

"Do you know the gender of the baby?" Masuru thought that would be an appropriate question.

Bakugo handed over an envelope. "The answer is in there. We're having a gender reveal in a few weeks,"

"We'd like you to come," Midoriya squeaked. He's slightly excited to have parental figures back in his life. His face flushed a shade of red again.

"We'll be there then,"


"Your parents are nice," Midoriya crawled onto the sofa, laying awkwardly sideways. This stomach is going to be the end of him.

Bakugo sat on the floor next to his mate, "are you feeling okay?" He noticed Midoriya's uncomfortableness.

"I'm sleepy, nothing major," he yawned. The insomnia stage was approaching. Not something he's looking forward to.

"I got you a gift," the blonde ruffled Midoriya's hair before jogging to grab it. He came back revealing a large pillow.

Midoriya giggled, "a pregnancy pillow!" He recalled their conversation last week about getting one. The greenette took the pillow and moved into a comfortable position with it. "Oh yes~" he let out a happy sigh. "Thank you baby~" Midoriya puckered his lips to get his Alpha to come closer for a kiss.

Bakugo grinned while giving him a peck.

"No. Do it proper," Midoriya pouted before going back to his original pucker position.

The Alpha moved in slowly, placing his lips against Midoriya's plump lips. The kiss deepened as Bakugo lightly traced his hands along Midoriya's neck to the back of his head.

Midoriya felt warmth in his face and small flutters in his stomach. Let him tell you, it ain't the baby.

A soft moan emerged from Midoriya, causing Bakugo to break the kiss and back off.

"What?" The Omega whined. He wanted more.

"I-I can't," Bakugo breathed slowly, in attempt to calm himself.

Midoriya sulked. "Is it me? Am I not attractive now that I'm pregnant?" The smaller one got up from his laying position.

The Alpha responded immediately, "No!" He shook his head. "If anything, you being pregnant is more attractive than before,"

"Then why did you stop?" Midoriya shot him some puppy eyes.

Bakugo looked away to hide his red face, "I'm afraid I'll break you in your current state..." he mumbled.

Midoriya's face flushed. "You mean, you'll do... it roughly?"

The Alpha nodded while making eye contact with his mate. His urges to go through with everything bubbled in the out of his stomach.

"If you could do it that intensely, why would I stop you?"

A perfect answer.


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