• Chapter Nine - Starkiller Base

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As the Millenium Falcon headed towards Starkiller Base, my heart began to pound in my chest. Even though I was nervous to the point where I could pass out, I knew that this had to be done. I needed to be brave, just like Poe and General Organa believe I am.

Han, Chewie, Finn, and I were now traveling to Starkiller Base in light speed. When we were going to get there, I wasn't sure, but it shouldn't be too much longer. Finn and I headed to the cockpit, where Han and Chewie were copiloting the Falcon.

As I took a seat behind Han, I asked him, "So how exactly are we going to get through the shields?"

"Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. It keeps anything going slower than light speed from getting in," He answered.

That made Finn and me turn to look at each other with wide eyes. We turned back to Han, and Finn repeated, "We're making our landing approach at light speed?"

Chewie just growled, confirming Finn's question. While I felt my heart begin to race, Han looked at Chewie and said, "Get ready."

When Han nodded his head at Chewie, both of them pushed two levers down at the same time. A gasp escaped my mouth when we jumped out of light speed and saw us charging right towards a wall of rock. As Finn and I immediately fell back in our seats, Chewie roared at Han, Pull up! Pull up!

"I am pulling up!" Han snapped back at him.

My eyes widened as Han jerked the wheel, and we shot straight up to the sky, barely missing the wall of rock. When we reached the top of the wall, Han jerked the wheel again to make us go forward again. My stomach dropped from the speed and very sudden movements of the ship. The ship crashed through a whole forest of trees, causing us all to jerk everywhere.

Go higher! Chewie roared at Han.

"If I go any higher, they'll see us!" He snipped at him.

When we finally crashed through the last of the trees, the Falcon bounced off the snowy ground a few times, which caused us to jerk around even more. Finally, the ship slid across the snow until it stopped, which was right on the edge of a cliff. The breath I was holding for what felt like forever finally came out.

As Finn looked at me wide eyed and I held my hand up to my chest, Han just took off his seatbelt and said, "Well, that was fun. Come on!"

Finn and I just looked at each other incredulously while Han and Chewie stood up and headed to the back of the ship. The two of us immediately undid our seatbelts and followed them to the back. Since I didn't have one, Han handed me a heavier coat to stay warm. I swung my bag over my shoulder before grabbing my blaster. The four of us headed off the ship, and Finn began to lead us towards our entrance point. It felt like we were running for a very long time, and like I said back on Han's freighter, I really hate running. When we finally made it, the four of us ran over to the small building and hid behind one of the walls. On the other side of the cliff, there were larger buildings built into the rock. It made me wonder how many First Order soldiers were on this base.

"The flooding gates are over there," Finn said while pointing to them, "That's how we'll get in."

As I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves, Han asked Finn, "What was your job when you were based here?"


As my eyes widened incredulously at him, Han immediately shoved Finn against the wall and repeated, "Sanitation?!"

I took a step forward and asked, "Then how the hell do you know how to disable the shields?"

That's when he finally confessed, "I don't. I'm just here to get Rey."

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