Chapter 2

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I walked into my house and put my keys down on the table as I went to my bedroom. I walked into my bedroom and saw my boyfriend and my 2nd string best friend. Omg I can't believe I saw what I saw.

Wait babe. Don't babe me really 4 years wasted on what my friend how could you. I don't know it just happened I'm sorry. No and in our house. I want you out by the time I get back. Grey. Sebastian get out of my house. I don't want to see you ever and get her out of my bed.

I went to the bar and washed my sorrows away.

Blake POV

She just left without telling me bye. Did she see Meredith come in. Crap that's why. It was 2am and I heard something in Grier's office and so I went to go see what it was. I heard crying and saw her on her couch  crying and drunk.

What are you doing here Grey. Well right now I'm giving up on life. I can see that but why. Well I went home and my boyfriend was cheating on me with my 2nd string best friend. What's a 2nd string? My second best friend not my first. Ok let's get you home you are drunk. I don't want to go home I'll just stay her. She was wearing her work clothes still and it looked perfect on her.

Ok you can come with me and I'm not taking no for an answer. Ok

Who would cheat on a beautiful girl like her, she's so sweet and gentle.

We made it to my house and I carried her to my bed I took off her heels and woke her up so she could put one of my T-shirt's on but she was drunk and told me to do it. I took of her jacket put the shirt over her bra and took off her pants and laid her down on my pillow and covered her up. Then I headed to my office to do more work.

Grier's POV

Crap! I have a huge headache. Wait where am I and omg did what . I'm so confused next to me was some water and Advil. I took it and heard someone coming out of the shower. Blake! Hey your awake.

What happened. You where drink and didn't want to go home so I brought you to my house and no we did t do anything and you told me to change you. And I think I got you all caught up.

Oh. Was all I said. Hey um there's clothes for you right there I told one of my guys to go get you clothes for work and just a FYI your boyfriend I um mean ex boyfriend left.

Ok thanks. Ok um well if you can't  tell by now the shower is right there and well there is a few options of clothes as well. Crap he didn't bring you shows it's fine I have shoes in my car. So I can just wear these heels and then go change when I get to work.

Yeah ok.

I looked at my clothes and saw that the clothes was comfy clothes and I was actually pleased to see what one of his men picked out for me.

I looked at my clothes and saw that the clothes was comfy clothes and I was actually pleased to see what one of his men picked out for me

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We headed to wok and it was really quiet. Hey um I'm sorry about last night I didn't think anyone was in the office. It's fine I mean things happen. I shook my head and watched the road as we continued to drive. When we got work I went to my car to get my doc martens. And went inside with Blake.

Grey what's on the schedule today um 1 meeting at 3 and then a conference with Milling Who. The Chinese investor.

Ok thank you.

Today was a long day but I'm glad that it's over. I knocked on Blake's office door. Come in. Hey Im heading home. Ok let me take you to make sure that nothing happens. Oh thanks not a problem. No I insist. Ok

We got to my car and I gave him my keys. I told him where to go and we were home.

Uh do you want to come inside ill make us some food because from the time that you are in the office it doesn't look like you eat. Sure I'm actu... knock knock knock. Hold on let me get that. What the actual hell get out of my house Sebastian. Baby you don't understand . I do understand now get out. You don't get to tell me what to do we were together for 4 years you... who is this

Blakes POV
Get out! Was as all I heard when I went to see who it was and it was her ex.

Who is this. I'm her boss and I think she asked you to leave. Ohhh I get it you won't forgive me because you were doing the same thing. You are a slu...

You better not finish that and no she is doing nothing with me you are just using it as an excuse now get out like she told you.

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