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The night echoed the gun shots came closer, closer, and then bang... the whole house collapsed and the five cramped into a tiny basement sat with rubble over them, and bangs and crying echoing from the town, James sat in tears with Alyssa up beside him...

That night was exhausting but James WOULDNT give up if his life depended on it, too many years of suffer after his dads death and mums death everything felt numb, he wasn't going to make that happen to his kids, they matter he doesn't...  or so he thought

A car pulled into what used to be a drive way, the nights shone blinded its path, a woman stepped out with bold red lip stick smeared in her face and blonde hair with a fringe cut neatly, wearing a red velvet dress and largish high heels... she cluttered into the rubble and bashed into the basement, 'why hello, James, is it?' The woman said, he gulped 'yes.' He replied, she grinned 'come with me now!' She said, he looked confused, 'excuse me! Miss, are you trying to be a weirdo?' Alyssa said, clearly she was cranky, 'are you okay?' James asked Alyssa, she shrugged ' OF course.' She replied, the woman clumped into the small square of a basement and then crawled over to James 'come with me, we'll have a great time, you won't regret it...' she whispered, he pushed her, 'UH YEA I WILL! I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS!' James screamed, Alyssa stood and got the crazy lady out of the place they felt safe, but now the majority of it was a big pile of rubble, with their hopes and dreams left to crumble, and their fears and memories hard to forget...

Sirens echoed, and gunshots case back... then a bomb started blowing up the whole basement, then James woke up, In a hospital, his kids, wife and her mother stacked beside him on hospital beds, 'your son Simon ISNT doing well.' A nurse said, James sat their tears flooding down his rosy irritated cheeks, 'mister' the nurse said, touching his shoulder to reassure him 'it's going to be okay.' She said, he looked at the heart rate meter, it was going down, down and then beep, beep, beep... it stopped the heart rate was stopping, James reached out his hand to his son and felt him, he was cold...

The end of the f***king world (future)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant