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Emma's POV

Nate and Sammy both ran off stage and towards us. Before I knew what was going on, I was being lifted in the air and Nate was holding me up. Lots of giggles escaped my lips.

He set me down.

"Let me take you out tonight," he spoke quickly, placing his hands on my waist.

"What?" He caught me off guard.

"Let me take you on a date tonight, after the show."

"Nate, I'd love to but -"

"No buts, Emma," he smiled. God, I loved his smile.

"What about Claire and Scott? My parents think I'm staying with them tonight."

"Well, Sam's gonna ask Claire on a date too. Don't worry, except Scott..."

"What about Scott?"

"I think Sam and I are both terrified of him."

I couldn't help but laugh. I've known Scott for the longest time. Claire's brother was nothing to be afraid of.


"He looks like he wants to murder us!"

"He can't hurt a fly!"

"You still haven't given me an answer, you know."

I smiled, wider than I meant to, "Okay, yes."

He picked me up and spun me around.

I saw Scott in the corner and called him to come over.

"What's up, Em?" He was holding an apple, which was pretty weird.

"Scott, would you mind if Nate took me out after the concert tonight?"

"I'll make sure to have her back at whatever time you choose, and there's no way I could harm her in any way," Nate sounded nervous. I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"Yeah, sure. Is Claire going with that other kid?"

"He is supposed to ask her but he seemed nervous so I don't know if he will or not."

"I'll casually walk past and try to hear. I'm kidding, but you and him are still performing again, right?"

"Yes, sir. We are getting showers after also before we take the girls out, if that is okay."

"Yeah, sure. We can meet outside the bus."

Nate smiled and nodded. Scott walked away, causing Nate to relax more.


After the show ended, Scott, Cody, Claire and I headed outside and waited by the bus.

Scott was talking to Claire, but I couldn't quite focus. Grasping the fact that I was going on a date with a guy who has made me happier in the past few hours than I've ever been in sixteen years was an amazing feeling; shocking, really.

"You both better be careful, tonight. You better watch what happens. I don't want either of you doing something you'll regret later on."

Claire and I looked equally confused.

Scott sighed again, "You're barely sixteen, and he's what? Nineteen? Just be careful. That goes for both of you." He gave Claire and I both hugs, "I'll have my phone on me at all times. Don't hesitate if you feel uncomfortable or need out of a something. I love you, both."

"We love you, too," we said simultaneously.

The other featured guests appeared outside after Scott and Cody disappeared. Claire and I made small talk as arms snaked their way around my waist and lips made their way to my cheek.

"Hey, beautiful," Nate looked at the group of people were talking to and then looked at Sam who had his arms around Claire also.

"You guys about ready? It's getting late and I don't want your brother to freak out if it gets too late."

Claire and I both nodded and headed to Sam's car.

"I'd just like you both know that your date is completely a surprise. But before we get to that part, we're taking you to a little dinner." Sam and Nate both opened the doors for us to get into the backseat.

As we started driving, I decided to text Claire, even if she was next to me.

Emma: Can you believe this?

Claire: No, but stay calm. The last thing we need is for them to think we're only fangirls.

Emma: Where do you think we're going? I don't even recognize where we are.

Claire: Maybe we're lost... or a detour?

Emma: What if they're kidnapping us like in the movies....

Claire: Calm down... I doubt they're smart enough for that.

We turned into a parking lot of a park. The walkway to the gazebo was lit up all the way around the pond. It was the most beautiful thing.

Claire and I got out of the car, just looking back between the park and each other.

Did they do this just for us?

All I want // Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now