Act V: Beware

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"Singapore isn't as... inactive as we thought it to be."

"Yeah, the Singaporean government has just uses other events to cover up their evolver activities. You know how we're the most wanted mafia in the world, but we share that title with another?", A-Yeong takes out a manilla folder from her bag, reaching over to hand it to Hyungwon.

"Yes... Don't tell me.." Hyungwon takes the folder, opening it.

"We assumed the mafia that shares our title was based in America but, little did we know that they were based in Singapore.." Jackson says, putting his arm around Ahra.

"The mafia is called Tokyo Stays. They're actually separated into 2 units. The one in Singapore and their main one in Japan. We actually had a little run in with the mafia's leader... Unfortuantly, Ahra suffered the conquenses meeting her." BamBam looks over at Ahra, everyone else in the car also looking over to her.

Ahra moves her hair out her face, clearing her throat, "Her name is Ayano Tomeo. For her position, she's pretty young, she's younger than all of us, even Changkyun and A-Yeong."

"How old is she?", Kihyun asks.

"She's 21, almost 22."

Changkyun lifts his head from Hyungwon's shoulder, leaning over to look at Ahra, "That is young. How long has the mafia been active?"

"Way longer than us, well, the one in Tokyo has..." Hana responds, "Hyungwon is 25, you original 7 found each other when Changkyun barely turned 14, but you guys created the clan after you all graduated High School. This girl, we're still unknown of her origins, but the Tokyo mafia unit probably started when she was a little girl-"

"She's been in that mafia since she was a kid? Damn, must've had no good or even a childhood at all if she was apart of the mafia since the beginning of her adolescence...", Shownu says, pretty surprised.

"I think my injuries like to support that statement, that little girl knows how to leave her victim permanent scars..", Ahra lowers her turtleneck, revealing small scars on her neck and still healing cuts on her collarbone, "Oh the injuries don't stop there. I would strip off my shirt but I don't want to turn on Jooheon or Jackson's gay asses-"

"That felt like a bullet to the heart... Ow Ahra, I ain't ready to die yet", Jackson took his arm from around Ahra into his lap, scooting away from her.

"Shut it, J."

Jooheon just laid back in his seat, a small blush on his face.

Hyungwon closes the manila folder, handing it to Changkyun, "When she attacked you, did she have a motive or were you just in the right place, wrong time?"

"I don't know. It was like I was just at the right place, wrong time but then, what we heard her say made it look like she was after something.."

Hyungwon raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What did she say?"

BamBam sits up," She asked, more like demanded, if we knew the 'Controller of space and time'..."

Hyungwon become rather shocked by that statement, rubbing his wrist,".. Controller of space and time? Time warping isn't aloud though. Even regular humans get prisoned for life or sentenced to death for Time warping."

"Well they're after what they demanded us for, most likely they won't stop until they obtain this person..."

A-Yeong looks over to Hyungwon, "Hey, wasn't your dad a time warper..?"

Hyungwon froze at that moment. A-Yeong's question triggering flashbacks to the crash, to that day.


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