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what the hell am I thinking? kissing max is just gonna make everything even more confusing but the fact she didn't pull away means something...

"holy shit." max mutters pulling away. "you call this nothing?"

"I-um" I stutter not knowing if she's mad or surprised. "sorry..I shouldn't have done that"

"its okay...um"

"what if we just don't mention this again?" I ask embarrassed and confused with uncertainty to her feelings.

"o-okay, mention what?" she says with a smile hiding hurt underneath. "I should um get back to my date l-lucas"

"yeah, me too to my date-" I started to say as she had already walked out of the bathroom

My mind was filled with fog as I walked back into the gym. how can she just kiss me and then tell me to forget about it? I can't forget about it, the peach flavored lip gloss she was wearing, the softness of her hair-

"max, you alright you were gone for awhile?" lucas asks.

"yeah yeah I'm fine" I force a smile.

We dance to a couple of songs for the rest of the dance and I try to have a good time but all I can think of jane.

~The next morning~

I woke up to the smell of cooking bacon and pancakes and walked into the kitchen to see my mom making breakfast.

"hi honey, how was your night?"


"that's good, was lucas a gentlemen?"

"yeah I guess...mom?"

"yeah honey"

"I don't think I like-"

"BILLY YOU COME BACK HERE!" The shouting of my stepfather interrupting. My mom jumps a bit and then shrugs it off as if nothing is going on.

"what honey?"

"n-nothing" I say as I sigh grabbing a piece of bacon and then walking into my room picking out a green t-shirt and jeans.

I ended up going to britney's party that night and having no recollection of what happened I woke up on her couch.

Then it came back to me, the kiss with max and then leaving the dance to get shit-faced at britney's party.

"heyy jane" britney said teasingly. "remember anything from last night?"

"just that I got super drunk, why?"

"oh just that you made out with troy"

I gagged. "ew no way gross"

"yep, you have terrible taste in guys you know"

"shut up."

I tried walking home in the cold, not a good idea considering I lived on the outskirts of town.

"need a ride?" I turned around to see will on his bike.

"that's hardly a ride"

"yeah but its much faster than walker"

"why would you give me ride anyways I've been a bitch to you and mike"

"yeah..but I'm not gonna let you freeze to death."

"I am sorry about the way I treated you and mike"

will shrugs and helps me onto his bike. "it's okay"

"is he happy, mike?"


"that's good."

he smiles and then rides me to my house.


"no problem" the not so shy and quiet boy says as he rides off.

I decide to come up with a way to apologize to mike because he deserves one.

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