Chapter 11: Abby vs Melissa

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Meghan's POV

The following week...

We were in the ALDC LA and us kids were warming up while the moms were walking in and Kalani was back so that's good, we then got changed into our dance clothes and we warmed up in the studio where we have pyramid, Miss Abby then came into the room and the moms followed her into the room and then we did the pyramid and Mackenzie was on the bottom of the pyramid and my mom sticked up for Mackenzie, I then rubbed Mackenzie back in support, Kendall was next, then it was Nia, then it was me, then it was Jojo and on top of the pyramid, Miss Abby then told us about this week's competition and where it was, Miss Abby then gave out three solos, one to Kendall, one to Mackenzie and one to Nia and the group dance was called Hungry like the wolves, Miss Abby then said "The world thinks that I struck gold with this group, I disagree, listen up because your life is about to change, I'm going to form a new team" Everyone was shocked, Miss Abby then said "I have looked at minis all over the country, I like my minis" Holly then said to Miss Abby "Why bring in minis now?, are you saying our kids are washed up?" "I need to keep doing what I do so that would be starting with minis and training them to be a junior elite competition team and so on and so forth, ok, alright, we're going to get started with the group dance" The moms then left the room and we rehearsed the group dance but Miss Abby kept on yelling at Mackenzie and I.

The next day....

We rehearsed the group dance again and Nia, Mackenzie and Kendall had their solo rehearsals, I was in the studio to make sure Miss Abby does not pick on Mackenzie and Miss Abby said that if this was Maddie or me, we would be finished halfway through the number and Miss Abby asked Mackenzie and I what the name of Mackenzie's solo was and Mackenzie and I both said it her interview way and Miss Abby told her off for it I then said to Miss Abby "But Miss Abby I thought it was like her interview, that's what she said" Miss Abby then said to us "You two, go" Mackenzie and I then walked out of the room and I heard Miss Abby say to Gianna "So the tall smart ass is trying to tell me that's not the quote Mackenzie said in her interview" I then heard my mom walk to the studio door and I heard her say to Miss Abby "Abby, why did you call Meghan a smart ass?" "Because she's trying to contradict me..." "But she said I thought it was like her interview because that's what I thought it was too, you don't have to call her a smart ass" "Well, you didn't hear the way she said it" "But I don't think you should call her a smart ass" "I'll never call her anything again" Mackenzie and I were crying and Jojo and Kalani were calming us down.

Later on...

Miss Abby yelled out my name and she said "Get on the tumble track and I don't want any attitude whether if you think you are giving me attitude or not you were and I'm not going to put up with that if you cry you don't need to be here you need to go and get more jobs like Maddie"

Later on...

Miss Abby counted for me as I was doing a move on the tumbling track she wanted me to do "1,2,3, No, Meghan, you are a disappointment, what are you doing?, why don't you know that?" My mom then came into the room and Miss Abby told me to do a move in the normal way "Ok, do it the normal way" I then did the move and Miss Abby said to my mom "Do you see how crooked she goes" they then said to each other at the same time "Fix it" My mom then said to her "I don't know how to fix it" Miss Abby then said to my mom "She, in the other room, she felt..." "She was having a blast" Miss Abby then said to her "Stop making excuses for her because you have never made excuses for her or Maddie" "I'm not making excuses for her" "Yes you do, everything that i have said you have made an excuse about" "I don't, i just want you to care about her like you used to, Abby" "I do, i still care about her but i expect more from her because if Meghan was any other kid in this country that didn't dance, she wouldn't have been in the sia video, she wouldn't have been in a movie and then turn down a acting role for Maddie, they would have hired a kid that could act with perfect teeth, let's go" My mom and I then leave the room and Miss Abby left to studio A and I was upset because Miss Abby never picked on me like this.

I then felt a hug from behind me and it was Jack, Jack then said to me "I can't believe she would pick on you like that" "You saw it?" "A little of it, it's wrong of her to say that about you and to pick on you because you sticked up for Mackenzie" "But it's only today, she's done it so I don't know why she is" "She's got her own problems going on, that's why, my mom told me and I don't want to go into the details because you should be focused on winning at competition this weekend" I then faced Jack before I said to him "Are you coming to watch me?" "You only have the group this week like last week and I have a hip hop convention this weekend so I won't be able to come watch you" "That's fine" "I'll come watch you when you get your first solo of the season" "That's a good deal" "By the way, what's this thing with two teams?" "Miss Abby just told us this after the pyramid and the assignments for this week but she's forming a mini team" "What?" "That was my reaction too to it" "She's just trying to get back to the old days of you guys being 8-10" "Exactly, it's not going to work out anyways, the select team didn't work out and this mini team will be a distraction to her anyways" "They are not as fast as you guys with picking up choreography" "And they are time consumers and it won't really give us much time to rehearse with Miss Abby" "How many do you think she is going to have?" "I don't know but she'll probably have about 4-7 because of the small groups" "True" "I just wish we could talk and see each other more" "I know but your rehearsals crash with my classes and some days I don't have classes here when you are rehearsing" Tyler, one of Jack's friends then said to him "Jack, we got our hip hop class right now" "I'm coming" Tyler then left and Jack kissed me goodbye before he left me alone.

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