Please, Tell Me

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Chapter 2

*Tommy's POV*

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes sometimes I hate the sun. I plugged my iPhone out from its charger & checked the time. 8:36. Me & Adam have an radio interview today, I'm the guitarist. I pulled the covers off of me & went to my suitcase. I unzipped it & took out my makeup, a black long-sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans & a pair of briefs. I zipped it back up & walked to the bathroom.

Adam was still asleep in his bed, he looked so peaceful like nothing bothers him. I open the door & closed it quietly, not to wake him up. I opened the sink cabinet & took out two towels, one for my hair & the other for drying myself. I turned on the shower head & let the water get warm. I took off my shirt & threw it near the door. I took off my boxers & threw them to the side too. I entered in the water & felt relieved.

I grabbed the shampoo bottle, put some in my hand & rubbed it in my hair. I took the soap bar & rubbed my body. After, I washed out the soap & shampoo, I turned off the shower head & exited the shower. I grabbed in of the towels & wrapped it around my lower torso. I grabbed the second towel & dried my hair off. I dried myself off & slipped into my briefs. I changed into my clothes & started applying my makeup. I lined my eyes with the eyeliner & took some grey eyeshadow & brushed it on my lids. After, I've done applying my makeup I unlock the door & walked out the bathroom. I see Adam stretching his arms out.

"Good morning, Adam," I said.

"Good morning, Tommy," he yawned.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Good, you?"

"Good, c'mon, get dressed we got an interview to get to."

"Okay, give me some time to get dressed," he got off the bed & went to his suitcase.

"I'm going to get some coffee, want some?" I asked getting my wallet.

"Um, sure, a caramel latte would be nice," he got up from his suitcase.

"Okay, I'll be back."

"Alright bye, TJ."

"Bye, Adam."

I opened the door & exited the room. I hopped onto an elevator & pressed the lobby button. I watch as the light changed to different floors. No one else was on except for me. Why do I have to like Adam? Why can't I be straight? C'mon, Tommy get your head straight! The elevator ringed, which means I reached the lobby. I walked out & opened the door. I got out into the street & started walking to the coffee shop.

It took me about 6 minutes or so when I arrived at the shop. I waited for 3 minutes in line.

"I can help the next guest," the counter lady called.

"I would like 2 caramel lattes, please," I asked.

"Anything else, sir?"

"No," I answered.

"That'll be $4.34." I pulled out my wallet & gave the lady a $5 bill. "Your order will be ready in minute, may I have your name."

"Tommy. Tommy Joe Ratliff." she wrote my name on 2 cups & gave them to another girl.

I stood in line for a minute,"Here you give, sir have a greal day," I took the cups & walked out of the cáfè.

*Adam's POV*

I got out of the shower & dressed. I did my makeup routine & exited the bathroom. It's 9:02, Tommy should be back any minute. I started making my bed to pass the time. I heard a knock at the door, that must be Tommy. I walked over to the door & opened it. Sure enough it was Tommy.

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