Chapter 36- 'This is the effect O'Connell penis has on a girl.'

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A/N: Heads up guys, this is mostly a filler chapter to lead up to the upcoming scene, you will (hopefully) love it. so sorry for the filler, but it will be worth it!

Thank you so much to NinaJay for the awesome banner! i love it!



I did hate lying. If I wasn’t so good at it, I probably would stop.

Unfortunately my delinquent behaviour and troublemaking in the past has caused me to pick up the skill of lying like a spy.

The amount of times I would have to tell a tiny fib either to get me and Lacey out of trouble at school for sort of setting fire to the Science room, or bend the truth slightly to the police when they came knocking on the door and asking if my brother and his friends were home, or out driving in a car that they ‘burrowed’.

Basically, practice makes perfect.

I was a good liar.

But just because I was good at it, didn’t mean I enjoyed it.

For example, I have lied to every single person I remotely care about today, most of all my best friend and my brother. I have been lying to them both since the weekend at the Cabin, keeping mine and Drake’s little encounters a secret.

I can understand why I hid it from Nate, because Nate would probably smash Drake’s face in with a toaster, but one thing I didn’t understand was why I hadn’t told Lacey.

I told that girl everything, ever since we met when we were 10 years old; we have been joined at the hip. There was not one thing we didn’t share. Even the really embarrassing stuff, like that time she accidently walked in on her mum and dad using the whipped cream in the kitchen to make their own special dessert…that still makes me shudder to this day.

I had not told her about anything that’s happened with Drake, not even the fact that we kissed. And the worst thing is she keeps pestering me and teasing me about him, which should have given me leeway to fess up.

So on top of the guilt of hooking up with my brothers best friend of over 10 years, I now have the guilt of lying to my best friend.

I fucking hate lying.

This morning was close. Trying to get Drake out of the house without anyone seeing was a mission and a half, especially since he was naked. That wasn’t distracting at all.

I had to hide the big stupid smile on my face when he came back after I shoved him out and kissed me. Didn’t really fancy explaining why I was grinning like a 12 year old boy who just felt his first boob to my friends and brother. They already think I'm a freak considering I've had to pretend the shower is broken so I haven’t even had the chance to wash the sweat and sex smell off me.

I felt classy right now.

“Will you stop playing that stupid video!” Nate says in anger while Jimmy, Sean and Luke are all crowded around Luke’s phone laughing their asses off. They had played the video of Nate drunk last night a good 16 times already.

“My favourite bit is when you think you’re on TV.” Sean chokes out, his face red from laughing.

Lacey was laughing silently, but I had notice she hasn’t watched the video yet. Luke had recorded Nate’s little confession to Lacey last night and the awkward silence around the room when that bit played for the first time was unbearable. Even the guys felt pretty bad when they saw the hurt look on Lacey’s face having to hear that again.

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