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Fred led Fiona into the Entrance Hall, where they  were soon  greeted by the sounds of sobbing girls perched on the steps  leading into  the hall

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Fred led Fiona into the Entrance Hall, where they were soon greeted by the sounds of sobbing girls perched on the steps leading into the hall. Fred peered out the large open doors that led to the courtyard, which had been transformed into a sort of grotto filled with fairy lights.

He watched as the rosebushes quivered salaciously, hiding pairs of students from curious onlookers. Professor Snape patrolled the courtyard with a sneering glare as he approached the perpetrators. Fred frowned.

"Walk through the corridors, yeah?" Fred offered casually. Fiona nodded silently.

"Anywhere is better than in there," she said as Fred guided her pasted a group of crying 5th year girls and one very inebriated looking 5th year boy.

They walked through the corridors silently, the only sound coming from their shoes clicking on the stone floor, and Fiona's occasional deep sighs. Fred wrapped a comforting arm around Fiona and pulled her close as they walked.

"I think I might just go back to the Hufflepuff common room," Fiona whispered as she leaned against Fred. He frowned down at her.

"Who's going to keep me company then?" He asked, his face contorting slightly.

"Come on, I know you want to go back to the ball," Fiona said. Her heels clicked loudly through the corridor.

"Not really," Fred said. "I don't really understand why everyone's so excited about it."

"Is that why you didn't get a date of your own?" She asked as her eyebrows arched up. Fred removed his free hand from his pocket to run it through his hair, ruffling it up in a messy fashion.

"There wasn't anyone I really wanted to go with," he replied after a moment of thoughtful hesitation. Fiona nodded. "Come on, this way," he added while directing her down another long corridor leading towards the library.

Fred paused at the doors to the library. He pulled his wand out of his pocket and whispered, "Alohomora." The lock clicked and Fred silently pushed the door open, pulling Fiona in after him.

"The library?" Fiona asked, pausing for a moment to strip off her loud heals. The stone floor was colder than she had expected, but she preferred the freedom of walking silently.

"Seemed safer than wondering around the corridors with Filch on the lookout," Fred said simply as he looked around the dark library.

"But what about Pince?" Fiona asked in a whisper. Fred paused and looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.

"You know she doesn't live in here...right?"

"Yeah, of course," Fiona scoffed, though, she had always wondered if perhaps the librarian just curled up under her desk after hours.

Blind Spots {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now