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Regardless of the night turning into a nightmare in the mansion, Jennie and Nayoung had a way better night spending it with her favorite auntie Bohyun. the woman lived alone in a medium sized house, despite her being kindhearted and lovely she had this side that would make everyone around her burst out laughing.

they forgot the dinner was served and they should've eaten it by now, but the woman's joke and funny-tales had taken their minds away from their hungry stomach. all until they went the total opposite direction after the sudden mention of what happened to them in their old house.

with the speech going on that side Bohyun actually had something more to say about it, and it was enough to make Nayoung the happiest and the most excited woman by then. "really?!!" her voice brought jennie back from her train of thoughts.

she became curious about what she missed while dozing off to all the bad stuff that Jungkook might be doing without her, when they were discussing the houses that Bohyun had found for them.

"I'm blessed to have you as my friend. thank you so much bohyun-ah I'm really touched by that" she brought her hands onto her chest in gratitude. she was thinking what she might have done in her past life to be gifted with such friend.

working for Jeon's took all the time from her that she couldn't take a rest to find a new home. their dramatic lives and sudden meetings in the house kept her busy for those days, but now not just one Bohyun found them multiple houses so they can choose it on their own likings.

within those moments between the friends the door bell startled them. the house owner didn't remember inviting anyone, and same went to nayoung, therefore; Jennie smiled and stood up carefully "you both continue I'll open it" they nodded and got back on the exciting news, while jennie walked to the door.

not just the bell but also they started knocking on it impatiently that irritated her. "I'm coming" she hoped for them to stop, but guessed her voice couldn't make it out through the banging that only god knew the reason for it.

she reached out her hand and turned the handle going face to face with the annoying visitor. the first thing she sensed was a manly, strong but overwhelming scent that took her to the clouds..just too perfect that gave her a small taste of peace. the next thing was his soft and gentle touch on her hand when he pulled her out of her imaginations and closer to his cold body. not just a close in words, but close as in the gap between them no longer existed.

it was his intention to do so the second he laid his eyes on her grumpy face. he couldn't think straight that moment, but just seeing her standing there his body acted on their own to suddenly wish to hold her tight.

her heart messed up the beats when her skin felt his hands capturing her in his embrace. a huge wave of chills rush down her spine, but through it all she still could share her warmth with his cold broad chest that she fitted in perfectly. her stomach turned and her heart was pumping an unfamiliar feeling through her. after all it was her first time to hug a guy, yet she didn't know how to keep that exciting and strange feeling forever.

just when her tensed body loosened for good she melted in him like a sweet honey juice on a vanilla ice. she lost the sense of her cane between her fingers as it fell and dropped on the ground within those seconds. her intentions were to hug him back but the sound cut his thoughts for good.

while she was wondering if she had rights to wrap her arms around his fine waist, he thought it was the time to let go, because normally he wouldn't touch a girl apart from when they are in bed. nonetheless he drew her closer by his muscular arms tightening around her.

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