Part 9: Questions

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What do you...uhm...think about Elaine?


Arlo blinked. Elaine? She was a good friend, nice, and had supported him during the chaos. Why did Seraphina ask him that?...

Oh. Elaine liked him.

No wonder she seemed to act a little strange when Arlo was around. A little more jittery, a little more nervous...but he never had thought of her that way. 

Arlo: About Elaine? Well...

He was about to say as a good friend, but he stopped short. Could he use this to fulfill the deal? Tell Seraphina he'd date Elaine and soften up to Seraphina...

No. Arlo wanted to hit himself for even thinking of that. He'd tell Seraphina the truth.

Arlo: Oh, Elaine is a good friend. Helps me out in hard times.

Seraphina: Like... the Joker incident?

Arlo nodded, and Seraphina sighed.

Seraphina: Arlo, I know we don't get along, but this Joker thing... its stressing me out too.

They both seemed to go back to the time when they were both royals and got along, and Seraphina was thinking that if she had never left the royals, maybe none of this chaos would've happened. 

Arlo, seemingly reading her mind, said,"You never would've foretold this."

They sat in silence when the waitress came.

Waitress: Here is your drinks!

Two bobas, and one coffee. They each reached for their drinks, Arlo reaching for his coffee when Seraphina snatched it away. 

Arlo: Hey, Seraphina?

She shook her head and gave Arlo a boba. He rolled his eyes, but seeing that Seraphina wasn't going to relent, sipped some of the boba. His eyes widened, then he coughed. 

Arlo: What are these chewy things??

Seraphina groaned. Of course Arlo didn't know REAL heaven. 

Seraphina: Just keeeeep drinking!

Arlo did as she asked, while she started to drink Arlo's coffee. Arlo frowned.

Arlo: You said you didn't like coffee.

Seraphina smirked, and shrugged. Arlo felt slightly annoyed, but saw that Seraphina was happy, poking fun at him. He'd let her do so this time, to maybe get a better relationship with her.

It was getting late, and they walked back to Wellston together. She stopped by an alleyway however, and looked at it for a long time, murmuring "This is where it started..." Arlo decided not to ask what, deducing that it was her ability loss. He didn't want to upset her. 

Seraphina: I hate not having my ability. If I had my ability, I probably would've helped in your battle against Joker...

Arlo: It's OK. No permanent damage was done. 

Seraphina: I just... don't know what to think of Joker.

Arlo just nodded, although he knew that she couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that John was Joker. But he couldn't blame her.


Seraphina and Elaine met up, with Elaine asking her about Arlo.

Seraphina: Arlo said he sees you as a good friend... but being friends is a good step in getting someone as your lover.

Seraphina smiled, and so did Elaine. Each bid the other good night, and went off to their beds.


A vision occurred. 

Please... I don't want any more drama in my life. 

John and Arlo standing next to each other.

Fix this issue, said a green haired girl.

Fix John.

People who had this vision all woke up with a start.

What did that mean?


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