0.6 new york

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»»» hoodie allen - no faith in brooklyn

6th May (day of touring 89)

New York, New York. How many songs were written for this city and how many movies and shows were set there? The city that never slept. As dirty and dark as it might be at some corners. The LA of the east coast, or maybe even better than LA.
-New York has seasons, at least.-
There was just something magical about this city that attracted everyone around the world. Filmmakers like Woody Allen were obsessed with it, shows like HIMYM claimed it'd be the best city on the planet. Other people again said it'd be the worst.

Well, whether it was the best or worst, one thing was sure: New York was big. Gigantic. And for sure the weirdest city Tally had ever been to. And in real life even weirder as on tv.
The big apple. Why was it even called so? There were many reasons. One being that in the late '20s and early '30s, New York's jazz musicians had begun referring to the city as the "Big Apple." An old saying in show business going "There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple." NYC being their favourite place to perform. And to many, it still was the main aim.
Besides, New York was also home of many other artists. Like the one whose song I chose for this chapter, Hoodie Allen. A living example for the american dream. From a Google employee to a hiphop artist performing all over the world. He'd definitely made the right choice and didn't follow the planned way.

However, not everyone instantly connected this city with positive things. Some people were reminded of sad memories around the streets, allies and parks. Memories of people they'd used to love, and people they missed.
Perhaps the author Cesare Pavese was right when saying: "Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things: air, sleep, dreams, sea, the sky - all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it."


The crowd was cheering as the band began playing the first notes of the next song. Him then popping up on stage again, after having taking off his leather jacket. Still wearing sunglasses though. The room filling with an incredible electicity in that moment. He started rapping the first verses, the crowd going wild all over again. Jumping around, everyone singing along the lyrics. It was like one big party.

To be one of the people in the crowd and not the one performing or in front of the stage for once was surely a nice alternative. Even though they weren't really part of the crowd in the lower area. Having managed to find a spot on the upper area. Right at the railing, with a good view on the act.
Next to them a group girls, jumping and singing along from the tp of their lungs. Much the same as Tally did. She screamed, laughed, clapped, jumped, to any song that she loved -which was basically every song performed.
The stage was wide, full of lights and amps. Him running back and forth between the songs, singing, jumping. The bass thumping through the air. As if it was their very own hearts beating to the music. A vibration spreading inside their bodies.
Exactly this was what a concert was about.
Whatever concert it is. Whether pop, rock, punk, hiphop, metal, alternative, r'n'b, etc. At the core, they were all the same. People, strangers, coming together for their one similar passion: the artist performing. All those human beings melting into one big crowd, with one voice. Singing along the songs they loved. Each concert a fascinating event.

By now you probably noticed our friends were not at one of their own concerts. No, their concert was the next night. Whose concert they were at then? And before you ask: it was neither a Blink-182 nor an All Time Low one.
See, another reason I chose a Hoodie Allen song for this chapter was, because both, Tally and Ashton, happened to be fans of him. Tally more than him, but still.
And who else would be a better choice of performing in New York than someone from there? (Okay, Long Island. Close enough.)

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