Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Blonde Tortured

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We stand back to back, staring down at the wizards and witches staring at us.

"I WANT MY MONEY!!" The same woman who had kidnapped us screeches.

A woman steps forward, blonde hair willowing behind her. She gives us a smirk walking towards us, in freaking three-inch heels. The woman from my compass. My heart skips a beat. That was the woman my compass had shown me.

"So, you are the two brats who kidnapped my daughter."

We look at her industriously. I was gaping at the woman.

"You willingly allowed Grindelwald to knock you up?" Tom huffs out, unimpressed. He crosses his hands and raises a brow in her direction.

"You dare talk TO ME LIKE THAT YOU IMPRUDENT CHILD!!" She screeches, making me turn around.

"Don't be so flattered. He talks to everyone like that. You are no one special." I scoff at her.

"I am going to so enjoy torturing you two to insanity." She cackles, after giving us a hateful look.

"Your daughter is doing so much better without you anyway." I snarl, making Tom shoot me a look.

"Two thousand galleons as promised." The blonde woman smiles.

As a unit, all the people who'd kidnapped us rush forward to take the money.

I didn't expect them to all end up dead.

In synchronized fashion, wizards and witches standing on the floor above us shoot out the same spell, "AVADA KEDAVRA!!"

Tom and I find ourselves rushing backwards in surprise. An outraged look appears on my face as the blonde woman struts forwards, heels clicking on the floor. She wore a satisfied smirk on her lips, and I find myself wearing one of anger.

"Oops..." She giggles, swinging the bag filled to the brim with gold.

It was official.

I hated this bitch.

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL THEM!!!" Tom rages, making me glare at him.

"Wow. Well done, Riddle. Very SUBTLE!!" I smack his shoulder. "AND I thought we agreed on torturing them!!" I demand in outrange.

"I agreed to nothing of the sort!!" Tom snarls and unsheathes his wand from his sleeve.

"I THOUGHT WE HAD A PLAN!!!" I shout, and then I see a spell coming towards me. I deflect it with a dismissing wave of my hand.

"Do you freaking mind!? We're having a crisis here!" I snarl at the blonde woman who was blinking at me in surprise. "Ouuuu!!!" I jump up and down in excitement. "Not so smug now are we," I grin at Ariana's birth mom.

"And that's extremely subtle." Tom drawls pointing to me and blondie.

"You had a plan. It was terrible. I changed it!" Tom snarls, making me curl my lip at him in disgust.

"Well, what's your plan!??" I hiss at him, making him shrug. He eyes the wizards around us in mirth.

"We fight our way out, Dumbledore. Honestly, woman." He gives me a look that said he was done with my dramatics.

"ENOUGH! I am calling Grindelwald. He will deal with you two!!" The woman snarls, moving to walk away.

Without moving, I keep her in place with a thought.

𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞 ║Tom Riddle ✔ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now