Chapter Three: Heartache

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Your p.o.v
It's been an hour and half after being released from the dispensary offically and all anyone could do was stare at me. I'm glad I was able to go home first before all this began to happen.

It was a bit concerning, I knew they had something to tell me but I didn't know what. I also didn't want to use my powers to find out what because that would be invading their privacy and that wouldn't be cool, so I sat there and waited for someone to say something.

The closest I ever got to communicating with anyone in the room was after Tsubaki sneezed and I said bless you. All of this was a bit to bizzare for my taste. After another thirty minutes went by I finally broke the silence, unable to take it anymore.

"Will someone please say something, anything, we've sat in silence for the past two hours and all I want to do is catch up with my friends and figure out where the hell my boyfriend is"

When the word boyfriend came out of my mouth half of my friends flinched while the other half had a sorry look on their face. That's when it hit me, what they had to tell me was about Soul.

"Oh god, he isn't dead right? Please tell me he isn't dead" "No he isn't" "thank god!" Uneasy looks continued to be spread across my friends faces and I didn't like it one bit. "If he isn't dead then tell me where he is, someone, anyone please"

Everyone looked around at eachother until Maka began to speak. "I'm sorry, I really am, but he moved on, hes with Elaine Ylliris" "El....Elaine?" "She transferred to the school three months into your coma, they hit it off and he somehow convinced himself that you would want him to move on, they began to date three months later"

When those words left Makas mouth I couldnt help but want to faint, vomit and run. A year, I was gone for a year and Soul traded me in. I didnt want to think the worse but the worse was here. Not wanting to hear anymore I got up and went to my room, locking the door behind me.

I dont remeber what happened after that because when I came too I was gasping for air like I had this morning and last night. I didnt pay any mind to it but I could hear Hunter and Hayden talking from the living room, so I sat and listened, hoping for any news I could get.

"Dude, what are we gonna do?" "I dont know, shes been silent for hours" "I'm not gonna bust the door down" "Niether am I but I am gonna bust Souls face in" "That's not gonna help anyone Hunter, she wouldnt want you too"

When he said that I stopped listening to them, I didnt want to hear about Soul or what he was doing or what was or wasnt going to happen. So I climbed into my bed and went to sleep, hoping the morning brought me more joy than today did.

Souls p.o.v
I stood infront of their apartment door for thirty minutes and yet I couldnt find the courage to knock. I didnt think that after all this time she would of woken up. I thought when she used that spell she was gone, that I needed to move on.

I didnt feel guilty at all because I made the right choice. I knew I couldnt wait around forever and that eventually they would tell me what I was originally thinking. They would of told me to move on, to find someone to love again and I did. I did it with Elaine.

Not knowing what to do or what to say I finally walked away from the door and headed back to my place where Elaine and Crona were enjoying the dinner Maka had made. "Hey guys" "Hey babe, where did you go?" "I went to see her" "Oh, did she answer?" "No I changed my mind halfway though" "Dont worry you'll be able to talk to her soon"

When Elaine said that Maka emerged from the kitchen holding a pot of tea. "How did it go?" "I didnt talk to her?" "Why not?" "I didnt have the courage to knock" "Well that's ok, I think its best for her to collect herself before talking to you, wouldnt want her to punch you as hard as she does star"

When Maka said that Elaine's eyes grew wide in fear. Maka picked up on it and quickly changed the subject. "Anyways who's ready for kids party tomorrow in honor of (y/n) waking up?" "I am, Soul and I have this matching couple's outfit we've been dying to show off" "Oh how cute" Maka makes googly eyes before laughing.

"Ok anyways I am aswell, it'll be cool to hangout with everyone again and not worry about the weight of the world resting on our shoulders" "You can say that again" we all laughed.

As the night progressed we found ourselves sharing our favorite childhood memorys and playing games until about midnight. At that point everyone called it a quits and headed to their rooms for the night. Well everyone except Elaine and I.

"Soul" "Yeah" "I cant wait to meet (y/n), I know she might beat the shit out of me but it would be worth it" "Dont worry she wont, shes really good at being civil when it comes down to it, the only reason she beats the shit out of star is because he pushes her buttons way to much" "That sounds like a thing he would do" "you could say that again" we both laughed and when it came to a stop we both fell silent.

I could tell she was both nervous and anxious about tomorrow, I know I was. Tomorrow would be the day I saw her again, the day I tried to clear the air, because I knew if I didnt, life would be extremly difficult moving forward.

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