8th Day at Stanford

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1) You should live in the present. Things happen like this and like that. Nothing new under the sun.

2) Maya(illusion) makes you forget.

3) To be alert is to live in the present.

4) Your mind takes you everywhere.

5) If you love, then you will be free from all.

6) Body is artificial, but our soul is real.

7) We just say stuff, but we don't experience them when we say it. Go deeper and give it a thought. Knowledge is Trüth.

8) Everyone in the world, looks at the mirror and say things.

9) You don't have any energy, how will you get the inner energy/power ? When you care about no one. What is it, that is it.

10) You came alone, you will go alone.

11) Whatever the mind thinks it can create.

12) God is within you.

Prabhu Ji

1) Story: a king wanted a Bishop, he kept a get together and gathered everyone and asked a simple question, where is wisdom ? A kid gave the answer, it's in our good thoughts.

2) Wisdom lies in positive and good thoughts.

3) Thank god we have a good Brain, but where we stuck is where we want money/fame.

4) If you cannot use your brain, then what's the use of it.

5) Your ego eats up the good thoughts.

6) Be thankful when you wake up.

7) People who are in business solves everything.

8) The physical body of ours is only into material things, we should be in spiritual things.

9) You don't need fame/money but you need good thoughts.

10) To be in balance is the key in life.

11) Nature will take our exam all the time, but we need to be calm and composed with good thoughts.

12) If you get everything in life, don't forget God.

13) Who gets the abuses ? It's only physical.

14) Go deep in your good thoughts, once you are in it small small things won't bother you.

15) You always be positive and upright.

16) Simplicity is the key to good thoughts.

17) If your core is strong, then nothing from inside would bother you. You need to work everyday towards your goals.

18) God is running the show, what is yours ? Nothing. Then what can you run ? Nothing.

19) Our mind is very wavering (up/down) if it's not fit then it's weak. We need to make it fit.

20) Practice it, don't get sad in sadness and get happy in happiness. Be always calm with love.

21) Analyze yourself, see where you stand.

22) Make your mind strong, create good thoughts. Don't weaken your mind.

23) Love is God, God is Love.

24) Start increasing your love, don't keep it wavering. Mind will become fit.

25) What's easy now wasn't easy earlier.

26) Never disrespect yourself, it's very important.

27) Great a strong foundation by striving every moment to become better at what you do.

28) Make your nature that everything is normal, you will be at peace. You won't need to understand what the other person is trying to communicate.

29) Listen to everyone, but don't take there disease in you. You stay away.

30) Our mind gets stuck in small small things. You be away and be in your nature.

31) Your mind should be utilized in catching Guru's words and to analyze them. Make it strong.

Rani Didi

1) Don't fall in trap of ego, people do like this and like that.

2) God, Everyone comes to him: irrespective of there background and current situations. God looks everyone the same. No difference.

3) God doesn't look at the good/evil. He just looks.

4) If you don't have any ego, you will keep on rising the ladder of success.

5) Guru takes care of you, so that you don't become careless.

6) Just be alert of your action, either good or bad.

7) Your actions shouldn't have any ego, how is karma made ? Whatever we do all day, by our actions karma is being made.

8) Knowledgable person and illiterate person do the same work but the fruits of their labor has day/night difference.

9) Whatever you do, you should not keep a count of it.

10) Whatever you are doing is for your family, then those karmas don't become good karmas. People with whom you don't have any relations with, you maintain like God's relation with them.

11) No expectations in life.

12) Love Everyone, no one is family or unknown in your life.

13) You need to remove the worms from your body, keep good values, put the positive energy in you all the time.

14) You are tied to the city/people. Example: a lady was recording Guru's lecture and her motive was to give the tapes to her fellow people in another city. Then Guru mentioned, you are tied to the people/city. Cut your mental ropes.

15) If your conscious doesn't like it, then don't do it.

16) Understand the conscious and not the words.

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