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poorly edited
Chapter 11 is the good good Kiribaku shit, but this chapter is still important
word count: 1542

"Sir?" The official gnawed at their chapped lips, nerves raking their bones. An anonymous slender man under the moonlit room stood behind his luxurious desk, his back turned to the lowlife-official as he stared blankly at the portrait of himself. He wasn't too pleased with being disturbed, he's made this pretty clear.

"You got something to say, quickly spit it out. I warn you, if this is a waste of my time? Do yourself a favor and get lost" his voice was gravelly and sharp, it sliced the officials confidence like a chainsaw through melted butter.

"Y-yes, sir. There has been a report of-"

"What's their name?" His boss's heard it all before, the taking. All he wanted to do was get it over with, see if who they've taken this time was worth anything at all. "Ei-Eijirou Kirishima, sir. H-he was reported missing two days ago. Is-" the official drew in a hushed breath, tiptoeing around his boss. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Leave him be. What do the Hornet's plan on doing to us? We have an army. What do they plan on doing with a couple of faggots?" He paused, repeating the victims name in his head one more time before scoffing, "I knew Eijirou would turn out to be like them."

"A homosexual like the Hornet's?" The official was even more conflicted on how his boss knew an 'Eijirou Kirishima' in the first place.

"A homosexual" he repeated after the official, "like his parents." "But you aren't wrong either."

The official bowed even when the figure couldn't see him, "I will notify the other officials. Anything we can do about the situation at hand in the mean time? The reporter of the kidnapping seemed to be outraged. She hasn't left the police station since the disappearing happened. This was two days ago."

"Show consideration. Be invested in the incident. Tell them we'll do everything we can. When the time comes, tell them that it is highly unfortunate that Eijirou was murdered. She'll get over the grief." The official nodded, not an ounce of shock written anywhere. They've done this too many times.

"Yes, sir." The official was just about to leave before the slender man stopped him with a chilling, "before you leave" an unsettling churn erupted in the officials guts. "Who was the reporter?"

The official turned around, relieved that it was a question, "Kyoka Jiro, sir. They have said that she is Eijirou's close friend."

"Bring her in when you're ready."

Within the bitter hour, far away from the state, Eijirou stared into the atmosphere's ocean. Stratus clouds coving the sky like blankets. After a while of wondering where Kaminari and Sero went, he's been introduced to other people within their coup. One's name being Scar, the other being Hoshi. Again, Eijirou didn't like to think about how used he was to being with the Hornet's, but he can't deny he has. Scar looked true to their nickname as they had scars all over their body. Someone that Eijirou couldn't help but stare for a bit before he realized it was rude to.

Hoshi on the other hand was intimidating at first, but the more Eijirou got to know her, you see her true colors. They all took turns sipping at whiskey, a bottle that's now in Mina's hand as they all got high off the crowd's energy. Sooner or later both Sero and Kaminari comes back, they both seemed fine as Kaminari had a massive grin on his face. Something had told them that he was faking it but they weren't too sure, they couldn't judge it so quickly. Mina tried desperately to get answers out of them but they said everything was fine. Quite frankly, Mina didn't believe shit, but decided to ask later on.

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