Chapter 16

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A/n: TRIGGER WARNINGS: Head injuries, broken arm, getting beat up, bullying, blindness, bleeding out, getting run over by a car, mentions of amnesia, death, being forced to beat someone up. Tell me if I missed any, thanks loves, enjoy! 🖤💛🖤💛

Virgil walked away from his house, wanting to bleach his eyes.

He just saw his dad naked.

Virgil momentarily wondered if his little guy'd be that big one day.

He could only dream.

He shook his weird thoughts away, feeling like a weirdo, and walking to Patton's house. It was where he was before, but he decided to go home.

But now he was going back to Patton's because his dad said, "go"

Virgil had texted Patton that he'd be back soon and Patton tole him that the door would be unlocked for him. He felt strange just walking into someone's house.

Though he really and no where else to go, so walked into his new friend's house right in the middle of truth or dare, when Roman chose truth. Virgil decided to spy. Everybody was still there.

Virgil snuck around to a dark corner.

"What's the worst thing you've done in a dare?" Asked Logan, kind of disinterested.

Virgil saw how Roman's eyes flared up in panic, curling into himself slightly.

"Uh-um- I- is it hot in here or is it just me?" Roman asked nervously.

"It's Emile." Remy said, winking at his crush.

Emile choked on his tongue.

Patton chuckled when they saw Roman trying to sneak away.

"Roman get back here and tell us what you did!" Remus screeched demonically.

He took a deep breath in. He hesitated before eventually saying, "fine."

Everybody seemed pretty interested now, so leaned in towards Roman as he drew in a breath and started talking.

He began, "So me and my friends, Kurt and Ram, you've encountered them before, right?"

Remus and Janus glared at Roman, Janus gritting out, "we've made their acquaintance."

"Nice! Anyways, so quite a few years ago we were walking in the park, bullying people our age, making kids and babies cry, you know, the usual stupid stuff my wannabe self did."

Everyone motioned for him to go on. He gulped.

"Well, we saw this...kid. He looked about our age. He wore black clothing and makeup, looked pretty emo and he was talking to someone in a short yellow and black cloak who had a weird bowling hat on. Beside emo boy was a little girl who looked really screwed up. She had a bunch of injuries and a broken arm. She looked like she had a disorder or something- her eyes looked like, really weird, the way she acted, she most likely might've been blind."

"She was hugging the emo dudes leg trying to get his attention. There was this other guy, he was in a freaking clown suit trying to scare kids and he was talking to emo boy."

Janus and Remus looked at each other. They gave eachother that friend look, the like 'we know something they don't' kind of look. Looks of panic washed over their faces, and they conveyed a million different messages in seconds.

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