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Brendon sat on his bed, staring at the wall of photos he had taped of Eleanor. The longer he stared, the more his desire grew. It was no longer a want for her, it was a need. And he was determined to fulfill that need.

He opened his medicine cabinet, pulling out bottles of nighttime syrup and sleeping pills, and a syringe, migrating to the kitchen where he took a pot and filled it with water, setting it on the stove. Once it showed signs of boiling, Brendon opened the bottles and poured the contents into the pot. He watched it bubble as flashbacks overcame him: Meeting Eleanor, hugging her for the first time, Amber finding out, then Patrick, Amber throwing the necklace on the ground, then Mr. Armstrong.

He turned the fire off and took the pot off the stove, which now contained a clear, liquid, anesthesia. He took the syringe and placed the needle inside the pot, pulling back the spring until the container was full. He examined it, making a final plan. Eleanor was going to be his tomorrow.

Now, he just needed to figure out how he was going to get her alone.

All the while, Eleanor held the broken piece of the necklace chain between her fingers, sitting at her desk next to some adhesive under a steady microscope.

"Almost there."

She took a toothpick with a drop of the adhesive, and lightly rubbed it on the chain. Then proceeded to remove a lighter from her desk drawer, flipping the gears and lightly simmering it below the glass slide, until the metal melted atop one another. She took some nail hardener and lightly brushed it along the broken piece, repeating the lighter process. Afterward, Eleanor put all her materials away, aside from the microscope. Looking inside the glass, she watched as the two pieces welded together.

"Dad was right. I could be an engineer."

After about a minute, Eleanor carefully took the necklace from below the scope, holding it in her hand like it was kryptonite. She went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and slipped it over her head, smiling.

Memories overcame her: Amber tearing the necklace off and throwing it on the ground, and her father's overtly serious conversation with Mr. Urie.

She went back into her room, took it off, and placed it inside her hoodie pocket, which rested on the back of her door. Something told her it wasn't the best idea to wear it around the house, nor would it be smart to wear it whenever she was alone at school.

"I'll figure something out tomorrow." she said with a sigh.

Eleanor had accomplished her goal - repairing her favorite necklace.

Brendon had accomplished a goal as well - the perfect plan to get Eleanor alone. He sat on his couch, smirking and staring at the syringe. Eleanor was going to be his, tomorrow.

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