36. Delsin vs Augustine

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This chapter will relatively short as its just gonna be Augustine fighting Delsin so it'll rather short.


The bystanders gasped as they never expected her to actually hit him. Delsin turned around to face her and sighed. He then pushed her hard to the ground as he was beginning to walk away but Sero stopped him with tape. "Hey, just what the hell are you-". Delsin pulled the tape he had on him and grabbed Sero by his neck. "Leave me the hell alone! Go back to your bus but I will be staying here....". He said. He let go of Sero and let him run back to grab Yaoyorozu and head out. Yoarashi stayed back a bit as he stared at Delsin's back as he walked off. 'I know I said I wanted to fight you as you were very brave and crazy strong to fight such powerful foes and win but..... I don't want to fight the current you, as this you, has no honour. For that, I cannot respect you!' he thought as he moved on with the rest.

With Augustine, she's having a feild day. She just beat those losers, Gang Orca and Ms. Joke, who honestly weren't even much of a threat. Gang Orca was just a brute with hypersonic waves which she was immune to thanks to her ear plugs she always had in. Then Ms Joke was a fitting name for her as that's all she was, a joke. Her power was basically telling jokes which, again, she couldn't hear thanks to the plugs. So she was easily dealt with. Now onto bigger and better things. Eraserhead and Vlad King.

"Hopefully, you two can give me a challenge at least?" she said in a teasing tone. "Unlike, you pathetic friends here...." she said glancing at their beaten bodies. Aizawa frowned as he watched her. "What do you want?". Augustine smiled. "I come from the same group as Bloodmania so isn't it obvious what I want?". The two heroes looked at her in great confusion. "What I want is....". "Stop!" Delsin said as he entered the area in a flash. "..... Right in front of me".


Delsin faced Augustine in an very chilling sense that made her flinch. They were cold and it was like he was visualizing her skinned being peeled off with just his sharp glare alone. 'His eyes..... It's like his brother's eyes' she thought as she cleared the nervousness out of her system. "So, you're Delsin Rowe huh? Your brother sends his greetings....". Delsin clenched his teeth in anger. "You bitch...." he said. Aizawa jumped in, grabbing his shoulder. "Delsin, stop! Get out of here! Your class is leaving so go join them. Leave this to us!".

Vlad King nodded. "He's right, kid. This woman will tear you to shreds, get out of here. Leave this to the pros!" he said as he exerted blood from his body, creating a nice sharp axe. Augustine raised an eye brow. "Funny. That looks a lot like Bloodmania's quirk but watered down. He could use other people's blood and create things with it, he could even steal quirks from their DNA". she looked over at Rowe and smirked. "You know what I mean, right Delsin?".

Delsin frowned in anger. Vlad King ran in with his axe. "Eraser, go and get that kid on the bus! I'll hold her off!" he shouted as he ran in to counter her but Augustine looked unimpressed at his movement. When Vlad went to slice her in two, she swiftly moved to the side with a shift of her feet and watched as he swiped at air. He growled, moving to engage her again but it proved futile as Augustine wasn't even raising a hand to fight him.

Vlad just kept trying to slash her but remained unsuccessful. He then threw his axe at her but she side stepped it. Vlad smirked as he made the blood axe to disburse and become large drills that came back in a fast pace. Augustine looked back in shock. She began to run away from the blood drills and she began to glow yellow and suddenly merged with the ground. The three looked shocked at that discovery. "She can travel underground?!" Delsin said shocked. "It must be how she was able to sneak in the stadium, there's too much heroes and security measures to allow villains in here".

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