11 - The Doctor Always Lies

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A young boy walks up behind two figures and questions one "mom?"

The woman turns around and smiles revealing she is River Song "look at you, having fun then?"

The boy smiles and comes up beside his mother sitting on the hard stone stoop. She looks down at him not saying anything and the boy speaks "it's Christmas soon..."

River shakes her head "tomorrow is less than soon perhaps we will take a trip back and visit with the Pond's, you like the Pond's don't you?"

The boy remains quiet and River questions "what's wrong?"

The boy looks down at the cement road then back at his mother "do you have to go on this trip?"

She looks down nodding "afraid so I'm an archeologist it's what we do..."

The boy remains quiet and River sighs, "Do you have a bad feeling?"

The boy nods "yes, for the last few days it feels like a weight or like something terrible..."

River smiles, "how about if I let you in on a secret? You like secrets, right?"

River repeats herself "I said you like secrets right?"

The boy shrugs and River nudges him sitting down beside him "well this is my biggest secret and I want you to have it..."

River places her arm around the boy and holds out the psychic paper to him "go ahead, take it..."

The boy questions, "What is it?"

River smiles "magic..."

The boy rolls his eyes and she smiles "what don't believe in magic?"

The boy laughs, "Magic is rubbish ..."

River laughs "perhaps but what if I told you this was real magic..."

The boy laughs, "Then you're crazy..."

River smiles "then I guess I am, completely and totally crazy..."

The boy blurts out "insane..."

River laughs, "Then you don't want it?"

The boy shrugs as he grips the psychic paper "I never said that..."

She releases the paper and the boy looks it over "so what's so special about it, it's paper?"

River smiles "not just any paper if you're ever in trouble all you need to do is write and ask for help and the man in the blue box will come..."

The boy raises an eyebrow "you're completely and totally mad..."

River shrugs "I guess you will just have to write and find out..."

The boy looks down at the paper squinting seeing words appear without even writing but jumps hearing a voice interrupts him "what's this about a man in a blue box?"

River gets up walking over to an older Doctor "oh just telling old wise tales..."

The Doctor smiles at her and leans in to kiss her. When they break apart the doctor turns to the boy eyeing him "it's quite late now what are you doing up boy?"

The boy looks up shoving the paper into his pocket smiling "nothing old man..."

The Doctor smiles "old man? I will have you know I am only-"

River interrupts patting the Doctor on the arm "we should get going someone needs to get some sleep..."

The Doctor yells, "sleep? Who needs sleep?"

River laughs, "We all could use a good nap..."

The Doctor smiles leaning in towards River "well, I guess so then, Melody..."

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