Chapter 3:

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       Alpha female:Twilight:

I walk to the Claw Resting Pines with my husband, Sandrunner(alpha male) and a few warriors named Fangs, Shadowslash, and my daughter, Stormclaw. We are walking there to draft warriors to fight in The Clan Throne Battle.

It is coming up in about 3 crescents (months) or so. We have all the warriors (new and old) lined up behind the bushes in Claw Rest Pines. Some of them are wearing real armor, and some others' armor are made out of leaves. Desperate attempt to stay alive. I look at all of the warriors faces and SandRunner gives an unapproving growl. I shoot him a dirty look. I peer suspiciously at one warrior who looks a little small for his age....


I almost give a low pitched whine as Twilight glares suspiciously at me. This is because I went through with my simply little plan. Me—just an apprentice— am dressed up as warrior to go into battle when I don't know a single thing. When Twilight walks to the next warrior, someone named Fangs, I struggle not to breathe a relieved sigh.


Oh no! My worthy armor is going to cause Twilight to draft ME!" I think as I break into a cold sweat. Why can't she pick Fireclaw or whatever his name is that is standing next to me? I mew nervously. DONT PICK ME TWILIGHT OR I'LL RIP OFF YOUR PRETTY LIGHT BLUE LITTLE HEAD! Of course I'm not going to say this out loud....


I don't like the looks of anyone here," I think as I sigh and shake my head. Weak. Absolutely weak!


I really hope mommy picks me to fight in the battle! I'll kick Flawclans tails! I can do this if she picks me instead of one of those other chumps!" I stop my thoughts as my mommy eyes me and I jump up and down excitedly. I can barely resist squealing.


I don't like the growl SandRunner is giving......

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