Ch. 3 - The Man Himself

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"Everyone here has a say, 
but we all know that there's 
only one boss."

- Dominic

Chapter 3 - The Man Himself

▪️D O M I N I C▪️

The sound of two shots fired echoed across the harbour before the body of a man thudded lifelessly to the ground.

"And it's that simple," I stated plainly, while holstering my purple and gold Colt M1911.

It was currently the middle of the afternoon, and the dark waters of the Atlantic splashed against the wharf as I stood with some of my men between a large assortment of shipping containers. Presently among us were a few of my business partners and some of their own entourage.

"I told you he was stealing from you, James," the deep voice of Da'mon Leconte stated as the large 6ft 7in Haitian towered over everyone.

"Arseways!" Spitting on the dead man's body the Irishman countered, "It's getting harder to find good help these days."

"Maybe if you spent less time drinking and chasing women, you'd have noticed that you had a thief in your midst," Da'mon countered.

"Póg mo thóin!" James O'Doherty cursed, telling the man in Gaeilge to kiss his behind.

"Tèt zozo!" the Haitian retorted, calling the man a dick head in his native dialect.

Raeni let out an exasperated sigh. The dark-skinned woman's Jamaican accent was thick as she spoke, "James, Da'mon, can the both of you shut up now? The man's dead! Let's get on with business!"

"Ah Ms. Dixon, ever the voice of reason among these prattling popinjays!" I said with a smile, before turning to address everyone else. "Listen, you're all here because of what you bring to the table. When I first came to Aelbank City, you were all fighting amongst yourselves, but I showed you the true potential of what we could achieve if we all worked together."

Suddenly, three silver vehicles with tinted windows pulled up. A tall man in a dark three-piece suit with shades got out, followed by a few other men. The top of a dark cryptic tattoo peeked out from the collar of his shirt.

"Tolstoy! So good of you to join us, I trust that you were able to do what I asked?" I flashed him a big grin.

Rolling his neck until it cracked, Aleksandr Tolstoy took his shades off, revealing deep blue eyes, "Naturally..."

The left side of my mouth twitched as I walked a circle around the Russian.

Clearing his throat, Aleksandr stated, "The meeting with the Albanians has been set up as you requested."

"Excellent!" I laughed while flashing a dazzling smile before I went on to address the group. "So, as I was saying, when you're in charge, whatever happens is on you. If there's a leak in your organisation, the onus is on you to fix it. Similarly, if shit were to go south with all the various business ventures that I control about the city, it's my responsibility to fix it, or I seem weak and I get replaced..." my voice trailed off as my gaze landed on the Irishman.

Running a hand through his golden bronze hair, James spoke up, "I get it, I messed up, it won't happen again."

"See to it that it doesn't yea? Or next time, it'll be your head," I said then made a clicking sound with my tongue before asking everyone, "I assume that you all will be attending the party later?"

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